Japan Four

not that hoppy

I was on a plane to San Francisco from New York a few months ago with my girlfriend. Being the anxious person that I am, flying for me is a rather panic-inducing experience. I got on the plane and was happy to see that "Her" was one of the free movies on the seatback.

C- seems rough. I thought it was a step up from the pilot, though admittedly there's a lot of work to be done.

I think Alfred and the Wayne's weird anti-psychiatrist position is interesting, considering that a common (at least from fans) characterization of Batman is that he's a man with very severe psychological issues who runs around in a rubber costume beating people up. This refusal to seek professional mental health could

Where are the turtles?!

I have tickets for the show on Sept. 26 with a bunch of friends who love the movie. I can't imagine how bad/good this is gonna be. Tommy lacks the self-awareness to recognize what made The Room so funny in the first place.

Awesome, thank you.

Technicality No Down Boo Over?!??!

American Horror Story Coven Bitchcraft? Why that sounds like a Technicality No Down Boo Over!

Cool. I have weirdly vivid memories of a joke villain called the Condiment King. So I have that to look forward to.

I neglected to mention that Joaquin Phoenix was desperately clinging to the wing of the plane as I wept. Weird coincidence.

I really enjoyed CopLand, saw it for the first time a few months ago. The end in particular when (SPOILER) Freddy goes on his rampage in slow motion is really fun. It's not like, Goodfellas-level good but still I never really hear about it as a good mob movie from that time.

I just finished my first rewatch of Batman Beyond for the first time since I was a kid and I think most of it is really good, with some lapses in the second season. Is B:TAS still that good? I'm thinking about getting on that next.

What would you recommend for his other stuff? I just started Inherent Vice and I've enjoyed it so far, but I'm wondering what a more traditional Pynchon is. Gravity's Rainbow?

Like Mike and Omar taking out the trash.

Yeah, I kept expecting something to go wrong with the people being so nice but it never did. Chris Pratt as his boss just ends up being a genuinely nice guy. It was unsettling how unsettling it was for me.

I saw Her on a cross-country flight and cried a whole bunch at the end. My girlfriend was alternately very confused (as she was watching episodes of some HGTV show) and attempting to comfort. So good but yeah, it was depressing.

Yeah, glad he's doing this but it won't make his blathering in a game any easier to listen to.

But that'd be disrespecting the game!
