
I stand corrected.

Another "sob like a bitch" scene: I watched Downfall yesterday and the scene where Mrs. Goebbels poisons her children had me weeping openly. That shit was hard to watch.

"liked" only so you don't think I'm the one who downvoted you.

Don't laugh. He made millions on the sale of stock when the company went pubic.

I thought Beerfest had its moments.

You got me there. Morrison only flashed his prick in concert and by the 90s that was practically de rigueur for a lot of bands.

I say that to Rush fans all the time. I really, really hate Rush.

You didn't capitalize 'god' so I have to ask: which one?

Tool was The Doors of the 90s. Discuss.

Close but he reminds me of the "Hugo: Man of a Thousand Faces" doll that was popular in the late 70s.

As in: ""Buckaroo Banzai Against The World Crime League"?

"X and Let Y" is my default, lazy, lame-ass fallback.

Thanks. Now I'll have something to watch when Netflix takes Kids In The Hall away from me tomorrow.

I see you're a man of a traditional bent and are quite niggardly in your acceptance of vocabulary changes. Here's wishing you a full evening of New Year's gayness.

The Chick-Fil-A It's Totally Butch To Be So Emotionally Invested In The Performance Of These Athletic Young Men Bowl

Call my parents more. It's starting to freak me out a little how very old they're getting.

Season 1 of Dads!

Netflix is the devils drink!

I saw they had a notice that Troll 2 wouldn't be available started January 1st so I finally watched it. Too bad because that's an adorably shitty movie.

Over the holidays we decided to binge on Little Britain but we lost interest after we figured out that every episode is the exact same characters doing the exact jokes with the exact same punchlines.