
You've got me there!

Fair enough. I might have overstated my point vis-a-vis other quality programming.

I thought the 'Mac really is gay' thing is the best type of later-season twist in a long running show. It fits everything that came before and it opens the show up for some really great plotlines going forward.

I vote for this one as winner!

Now I feel bad. I'd completely forgotten that being in combat gives a citizen leave to peddle ignorant bullshit

I've mentioned that before, yes.

I watched The Goldbergs for the first time last night. I was surprised how much I liked it.

When you're a witch a time-out also includes gravity.

Wow, I never met a sock puppet plant before. Tell me, does it hurt when you sell your soul?

Archer, The Americans and Hannibal all coming this winter. I am very eager for the shitty weather to hurry up and get here already.

I'm married to one and now I hate myself every time I touch her.

Bull(man) shit!

I've never seen I, Claudius but, damn, that's a good book.

I already miss Country Mac. God bless that openly gay badass.


And Gene Hackman as the worlds most lovable sadist is really outstanding too. Man, I miss Gene Hackman. I wish he would unretire.


You're just saying that because you want to add him to the pool of guys who might be your dad.

Oliver Stone Eyebrow Dye: available wherever pathetic old guy shit is sold.

Honestly, I though the machine gun in the trunk trick was a little silly and the fact that it killed every bad-guy except those characters that required a little extra closure was one of the weakest things the series ever did. However, other than that, what I said still stands.