
What I was looking for this feature is something that no matter when you watch it, what mood you are in, anything, when you put it on it makes you laugh uncontrollably. There are a few things like that for me:

This show is, like some of the Mad Men episodes last year like "Three Sundays" just A) so much better than AMC ever should have been able to do and B) SO FUCKING GOOD.

Ah, I'm a troll fogey. I remember GLuT and COOLGUYS and all the pretenders to the ZoMoFo throne.

hey, a substantive non-first…

ummm…that means I don't know what a twelve year-old looks like nude…you thinking I or everyone should = disturbing.

no, that hair was hot girl with red hair red, not stagehand red, I go with Charlotte for the win.

In "The Mysterious Island" there is a black servant whose best feature is his servitude, whom an orangutan is smarter than.

Fine I will give the new one more of a shot. While I think The Rake's Song might be the most awesome thing Meloy's ever written the rest of the album and the reedy women's voices leave me bored. Maybe will change with time, has before.

Professor Challenger
Was a great character and while he did not rival Sherlock Holmes in popularity he was still one of the most popular characters in that era's fiction. Apparently there were several Challenger books but they don't seem to be readily available apart from "The Lost World" which is a lot of fun even

Last Episodes
I think the Gondy episode shows that they need to turn the script writing and maybe even the song writing over to other people, or just collaborate on it, and keep going. The Gondry one was possibly the best of the series.

if I'm not I should be, I went back and it sure looks like charlotte.

am i the only person who thinks the person in the background was frank lapidus? based on that screen capture of Sun anyway.

I didn't know about the scar, so I thought I was seeing a 12 year old go full nude…which was more disturbing than the rest of the movie.