It's his gunt, or munt, or zunt, or whatever UrbanDictionary would call it.
It's his gunt, or munt, or zunt, or whatever UrbanDictionary would call it.
That's Donkey Kong's answer to everything!
Damn near killed 'em!
"Ah scrub my scrotum with a rag on a stick!"
This discussion is giving me a tensor.
Doc Manhattan was basically pure Heisenberg blue. His schwantz alone could wire the entire American Southwest.
You should've stuck with the root marm.
If the headline's accurate, she'll get very titular in GoT.
Don't cry for me, Marla Singer
The truth is, I'm really Tyler
The many fight clubs
Sleepless existence
You keep Brain Parasites
I'll take Bob's bitch tits
Tonight's Sew What? Challenge: Duel of the Joanies. Stubbs buckle hats versus Holloway vavoom wraps.
::sets forest hex @avclub-f073cd45cff903b9a6e8a810ecda129b:disqus is in ablaze, watches him overheat::
It's what Kaiser Wilhelm II thought his son might want the kids to call him.
"Where's Mothra at, String?!"
The AV Club
The paperback "best of" is an annual October read for me. Especially "The Whisperer in Darkness," which still raises the hair on the back of my neck decades after first reading it.
Ellison and Ellroy? You might be me.
"Who do you think they've got in there, Goliath?"