
It's also important to keep in mind that both the artist who drew that Ghost Rider story (Mike Ploog) and the editor of the issue (Roy Thomas) both contest Friedrich's title of "creator" and claim that the concept of the character existed before his involvement. Neither Ploog nor Thomas stand to make any money from

I try to avoid the argument that characters who have been interpreted by hundreds of writers over half a decade have a "right" way to be written… but I sorta believe it. And I agree with Mark Waid when he said "Doom would tear the head off a newborn baby and eat it like an apple while his mother watched if it would

Another amazing piece, Noel
This is the best reflection on Pekar I've read today, and I'm not anticipating seeing a better one tomorrow either.

This Inventory is eerily reminiscent
Of the first time I met everyone at the AV Club, and they got Swine Flu.

Fantastic post, Noel
You articulated so many things about Astro City that I've been trying to figure out how to talk about for years. It is, simply, my favorite book on the stands, and one of the best comics of the last 20 years. I particularly appreciated your observation into how emotional and moving the series

"Weird Al"
Was the first concert I ever saw. It's still the best. He did like 10 costume changes.

I bet you any money…
Those are non-prescription vanity glasses.

Fnatastic list
But I'm going to have to join some of the choruses here. But first I just want to say - good on you guys for not bowing to peer-pressure and including FABLES. I'm the first to admit, it's addictive as crack… but all too often I think it lacks in execution what it promises in concept.

GET FUZZY premiered in my hometown paper (Detroit Free Press) simultaneously with a similar strip called CITIZEN DOG by Mark O'Hare, which I greatly preferred. Unfortunately, DOG ended it's run only a year or so later, which was a shame because I thought it had funnier gags and better art. Anybody remember that one?

Look at me, Johnny Hollywood
This is weirdly sort of the opposite of the kind of stories being told here, but I can't resist telling it.

Goddam right on this. John and Aeryn had one of the greatest romances on TV, and they spent almost three seasons in "will-they-or-won't-they" tension. Not only did they resolve this conflict in the most unique way in TV history. Then they hooked up (which I won't spoil, since the full-series DVD set is being re-issued

Underage Drinking; A National Concern
is probably the most brilliant single episode of a sitcom I've ever seen. I'm talking, better than Arrested Development. Better than classic Simpsons.

It's a Fact
Good old fashioned Dream come true

Zack, you missed the best part
Where Gabrielle Byrne murders Kevin Pollack with his black, Satanic urine.

Fascinating story about Dave Sim
I'd never heard of his involvement in Taboo before. Largely, I'd guess, because he never finds the need to broadcast things like that.



Morrison is my God
If only for one reason:


I've heard stories. Most of them insane. Word is he's not an easy man to work with, and hence has become increasingly isolated from the industry. Not so much because of others' unwillingness to work with him, but because of his unwillingness to work with others.