
…so does this or does this not take place in the same universe as Battlestar Galactica?

Isn't that the theme of this show?

@Sammy Maudlin

Does it make me racist that the first couple times I looked at that picture I thought Tyler Perry wasn't wearing any pants?

Holy shit! It already came out! Has anyone listened to it? Thoughts? Complaints? Examples?

Also, there's a new Frightened Rabbit album coming out, but I have no idea when. To the searchbar!

On election day in Grant Park they definitely showed an Obama campaign video whose background music was the instrumental version of Fake Empire. So I'm not sure if he personally approved of the use of that song, but someone in his campaign must have.

Overall the episode was alright, but the attempted suicide scene somewhat ruined it for me? Didn't Dexter have a syringe in his hand when he tried to save Arthur? What happened to it, because I don't think he ever had time to put it in his pocket. And where did all those people who ended up saving Arthur come

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