Miss Kubelik

My runner-up worst was with a guy I met on OKC, with whom I'd been having some pretty dirty conversations/photo exchanges.  Our first actual date we decided to go to a movie.  I chose, and made the mistake of assuming a good movie wouldn't drag a date down, even if it was pretty heavy.  I was wrong.  We went to the

is… is that a reference to a 20-year-old Brian Regan stand-up bit?  One I've had in my head for about the last 20 years?

What's great is that Russell didn't make that up - if I recall correctly (and I'm too lazy to look it up right now), that was a dream/laudanum hallucination that Percy Bysshe Shelley actually had and told them about that weekend (something along those lines).

I was thinking of Before Sunset as I read this - I loved Before Sunrise when I was younger, but Before Sunset somehow gets to me even more - Julie Delpy dancing as Ethan Hawke stares at her at the end just manages to capture a feeling so well.

I adore that song, and there is something very romantic about it - that second line really jumped out at me when I was riding in a car with my now-husband (then boyfriend of 2 months), with whom I had a long-distance relationship for the first few years we were together - the relationship was such a surprise and so

I think it was when he and his wife (Nina Barnes, as in "Nina Twin is trying to help and I / Really hope that she succeeds") were having problems (they got back together)

I'll echo glazomaniac's suggestion of "The Night Porter"

When I saw Equus, I got one of the seats in the balconies directly over the stage, and was looking down into Radcliffe's lap for the entirety of the scene where he was sitting and naked. So, while I was probably thinking, "That's Harry Potter's penis," now, when I see a Harry Potter movie, I think, "I've been twenty

"Whitney Houston Joins The JAMs"
Catchy, funny, and illegal


@ GhaleonQ - I actually thought of Charlotte Bronte when I read this piece - while she outlived her sisters, her life was on the brink of such a big change (married, having a child), and she was so happy (as she wrote to Elizabeth Gaskell), I think it would be interesting to have seen what she produced if she kept

@ LUTZ - Henson didn't actually own the rights to the Sesame Street characters - he was hired by Joan Ganz Cooney. Kermit appeared on Sesame Street occasionally, but on the legal side of things that was part of a licensing agreement for Kermit alone. (Not that Henson wasn't important to Sesame Street, but he never

@Pasolini - "Teorema" was the first thing I thought of reading this review. Then I thought of Terence Stamp in that film. Then I didn't really think of anything else for a while.

son. of. a. bitch. I'd forgotten that song. However, I haven't forgotten the two weeks it was stuck in my and my then-boyfriend's heads after we both heard it the first time.

@ Seankgallagher - I love that movie so much.

I used to temp at a large investment bank in New York, where the elevator rides could be pretty long - one morning, I was on an elevator with several other people, and one guy, just under his breath, said "chikka-chikkaa." I don't know if anyone else heard it. I got off the next time the elevator stopped because I

hard-working Canadians
I got acquainted with Koteas' work when I was in college and took a class on 20th century Canadian film and literature - the fact that Koteas was in every film we watched that semester became a running joke (the three I remember offhand are The Adjuster, Exotica, and Crash - I really enjoyed the

also pretty far upthread, but on Major Toht - I was fairly young when I saw any of that movie (maybe 7?), and around the same time, I snuck and watched Saturday Night Live from the stairs while my parents watched it. As a result, I thought that Major Toht and this guy were one and the same - http://www.youtube.com/wat