Big Fat Face

My aunt made $24 million working from home!

"All Falls Down (When Your Legs Don't Work and You Try to Stand)"

Yeah, but when you see him around town, you really see him AROUND the town! If you know what I mean!!

Wow, this is shocking. Workingman's Death and Whores' Glory were two of the best documentaries I've ever seen. His combination of music and visuals were truly cinematic, and better than a lot of fictional movies.

Ah yes, Jpeg, the one who posted Noah's nakedness on the internet. We honor him every time we look at porn.

Oh my GOD, we have to wait two whole years in between each new Spider-Man movie!? I think it's time we have another reboot to run parallel with this series.

The Disqus Award for Excellence?

I have a similar feeling to you and a lot of people here. This was almost the first TV show I grew up with. The only other show I watched was reruns of The Simpsons, but The Office is what showed me that new TV could be great. In hindsight, it maybe premiered in the middle of what people call "TV's golden age" (if

Yeah, this was the first time this season that I felt like the sentimentality wasn't tacked on at the end.

"Sadly, much like Frank and her family, Bieber has since found himself persecuted for his Beliebfs" is what did it for me.

More like V for Vacant!!!

Star Wars! And that was a 16-year hiatus between trilogies!

A lot of the jokes made me laugh, but it doesn't have the same attention to story structure or character that Harmon was all about. It kind of reminded me of that celebrity impressions episode for relying on the silly idea too much. Also, Chevy seemed to be phoning it in (more than usual, some might say).

Excellent review, Todd. Of course I haven't seen the episode yet so I have no idea whether your grade will match my own, but you laid out your feelings very well.

30 Rock, I will never forget you.
30 Rock, I'll always be glad I met you!

Mine is 6.766. No biggie. I don't even care. I'm putting it on my resume, because society demands that kind of thing, but I'm not into defining myself by numbers, you know?

Yeah, I hate this trailer so much. I've seen it in front of just about every movie for the past four months, and I can't wait for it to disappear. The dialogue is so cliche and the cinematography is so murky that the whole thing is really painful to watch. I usually don't notice when a movie has been shot with a

I've seen so many haunted fucking houses that they bore me. Now I can't get it up unless the haunted houses are AT LEAST having a threesome, or even better, if they're double penetrating a duplex.

I've seen so many haunted fucking houses that they bore me. Now I can't get it up unless the haunted houses are AT LEAST having a threesome, or even better, if they're double penetrating a duplex.

Twilight:  Breaking the Seal Part 1