
Kill it. Cancel it. Just put it out of its misery.

Theon's got Westeros wrapped around his little finger.

Wait, there's books?  Spoilers!

Sterling and Malory Archer do.  idiotking is no Lana Kane.

I'm pretty sure it's bad karma to kill two redheads in one episode of television.

Those girls got nothing on Jennifer Lawrence's squirrel-hunting abilities.

Well, I'm sure Gendry's smoke monster baby will be more attractive than Stannis'.  Right?

Also, I love how Ygritte is obsessed Jon Snow's oral abilities.  Jeez, it is pretty boring North of the Wall.

Every week I just feel worse and worse for Sansa.  Hopefully Tyrion will do her a solid and let her have some fun with Podrick.

Clean on a scale of 1-Ygritte?

I think I've solved the Legend of Podrick: Always Erect.

Lady Edith would not approve of Gwen's cave fornication.

They tried to make Karen's fall so dramatic that for a moment there I thought Ana had snapped and actually shot her with a real gun.

I knew Kyle was going to die beforehand, so I spent the entire episode guessing who would murder him!  It definitely improved the episode.

Ivy is the saving grace of every episode.  Her only real competition is Anjelica Huston's drink throwing.