Leroy Felgenhauer

I don't know what this was

I was really disappointed by this article.  This writer hasn't even seen the Sandlot before?  I got really excited that this article was going to celebrate the movie, but instead we just get someone who shrugs it off.  What a waste.  Also, not that girls can't like these movies, but they were made for 8 year old boys,

Hey remember when MTV used to play music?  Lol what happened to that am i right?

Life's Rich Pageant is by far their best imo, and one of my all time favorites:

Everyone who left the Wrens off of their lists is just kidding themselves. I saw one of their concerts this summer and it was one of the best I've ever seen. Oh Yeah!

I respectfully reject this offer.

I don't think we'll ever be free of Jay Leno. When he dies his body will be put on display in a prominent place like Lenin and children will be forced to visit him on school trips.