
For a comedy, Brooklyn Nine Nine is doing it quite well.

I don't know, the acting seemed too good to be Cage.

That was the exact same reaction as mine as I was watching that scene.

"We're having a moment here!"

It's all about luring Jangles into taking on this 'new drug lord', so that he can finally have his final confrontation with Jangles. Nobody claimed it makes much sense.

We don't know why Tricia ended up in a federal prison, but we can be certain that it was not the episode revealed in the flash-back, we don't even know if that lead to an arrest or not. Most likely she eventually got convicted for a drug offence.

Skinner's desired outcome was the actual outcome, Linden killing him. He did not want to face the consequences of his action, did not want to face a trial, living through the ruin of his career.

I assume that the paper story was more about the relationship, and did not include the details about the other prisoners.

Except for that Sikh E-Rep trooper.

He started writing as just George Martin, but added the RR not to be confused with the Beatles producer.

The Black Dinner in the Great Hall of Edinburgh Castle in 1440 seems like a better fit, apart from being a historical event, unlike your link.

Having a high IQ does not prevent you from being an idiot. In fact, idiots are over-represented among those with high IQ. (As long as you consider the current meaning of the word, rather than the original.)

If you want to be technical, da Gama was an explorer, not a conqueror, so 'conquistador would be ill-fitting anyway.

Is that by US or Canadian law?

That was Arya, not Ollie.

Spoilers, Resident Smartass? Is history spoilers now? I guess I shouldn't mention that Bobby Kennedy will be dead by the end of the next episode?

Keep in mind that their "big break" with Chevrolet Vega s hardly going to be the milk-cow they believe.

Actually, he got up at 3:58 on the tape.

I believe that was just a tell about the death of Gyda.

Bear in mind that her parents is supposed to be Sigurd the dragon-slayer (Wagner's Siegfried) of Völsung saga fame, and Brynhild the shieldmaiden and valkyrie.