
It just saddened me to think that every time Holmes said he forgot something he enraged Joan but was simply speaking the truth. I believe he is dealing with what must be the greatest fear a mind like his can face: the likelihood of early-onset Alzheimer's. Joan is so tightly wound these days she cannot truly step

Actually it was Jemma whom Trip wanted, not Daisy, and while AOS always sells us Fitzsimmons as the forever lovers I always thought Trip had a sporting chance. He was just so damn charming and the two had that cute little forehead salute. Ah, well…

Well, it will be nice to see Margo again (and she can always rack up another guest Emmy nomination) but as for Claudia, not so much. She has never had the trust of Elizabeth and Philip, especially Elizabeth, and that distrust has really run at least 60/40 back. Claudia has never attempted to bond with them as

What possible value does that dreary Trio of Death add to the commercial breaks? They are going to add pounds to my hips, dollinks, because the moment I see them I go running to the fridge. Now if it were Alyssa and Latrice and Manila…

I see what you did there.

Hows this for messed up? During the shooting of The Birds, perhaps in pursuit of perfection or more likely as punishment for her not responding to his advances, Hitchcock confined Hedren in a small cage for DAYS while a bird handler threw live birds at her head for the attic scene closeups. He seemed never to get

I'm curious as to where Diana would stand were Renard to continue to be semi- or actually abusive to Adalind and Adalind made her preference for Nick clear. She could be a formidable foe or ally. And, by the way, the only person who seems to truly believe Adalind loves Nick is… Adalind. Her note confused Nick,

IMO Moscow Center has it all wrong: it is Henry who would make the superior spy, not Paige. He can already housebreak, he has seamlessly infiltrated himself into the Beeman household and he has perfected the art of disappearing into the woodwork. Plus he has no obtrusive religious or political agendas in the works.

Borscht IS better cold, but only if it is beet borscht. Borscht made with beef stock and tomato is better served hot. Both are delicious! This I learned at my Russian bubbe's knee.

Ahem! On behalf of my Orphan Black sestras I must protest: transhumans ain't nothing but pale knockoffs of Neolutians. I half expected a group of them to rip through the fourth wall and spill into the club, Dr. Leaky at the lead.

I'm leaning toward Bic!

Well, she killed Malick, if you can call him someone…

But hey, she's always eating. Lucy Liu appears to have studied at the Brad Pitt School of Acting, or at least the Oceans 11-13 semesters.

I remember, on my first viewing, being completely enchanted by Celia Johnson's almost hypnotized, love-struck echoing of that list of miners' diseases. What a strange yet completely plausible conversation for these two just-beginning lovers.

So forgive me if this has been brought up downstream but I'm commenting on the run — in the older Season 1 or 2 version of Sarah-as-Beth's rehearsed testimony with Art, didn't Maggie Chen's death take place in an interior building hallway, not outside?

A hearty thanks to the A.V. Club Santas for my early holiday present — No lump of Oliver Sava coal in my stocking.

Well, maybe it will stop her from saying "totally transparent" every two seconds…

Thanks! So far I just read the Shawshank one, so at some point I will read the others.

No, it's not. But my island musical is The Bandwagon.

Would you believe that I just watched it on IFC last night and then broke down and bought the original novella trilogy, Different Seasons, just to read Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption? Even thought I have only read, reluctantly, three Stephen King books in my life? I simply love this movie, and confess the