emily l stephens

Good catch, thanks. I've made that correction.

Not one glass or two glasses. The contract says wine.

You don't need to see Spoils Of Babylon to follow The Spoils Before Dying. The productions are related, but the stories are separate; each is its own self-contained miniseries.

Resting at his cabin, Rock Banyon "sat down to read Eric Jonrosh’s latest about two hippie bikers looking for kicks in Mexico, called The Spoils Over The Border. Not his best, but it passed the time.” Here's hoping that's a nod toward a third installment.

Minx is a riff on Mink, the name of the daughter in Zero Hour, the Ray Bradbury story from which The Whispers is (very broadly) adapted.

You're not the only one caught by surprise! Luckily, I happened to be on Twitter when Scott Aukerman tweeted the new time slot. It was an exciting afternoon here at your friendly neighborhood reviewer's home, let me tell you.

[whispers] Forsythia, Forsythia, Forsythia, Forsythia…

I spent several minutes looking at Skylar Astin with my head tilted, trying to figure out who his eight-year-old's smile and squinched-up eyes reminded me of, before realizing it's little Larry Matthews, the child actor who played Richie Petrie on The Dick Van Dyke Show.

A great touch, isn't it? The change might not have shown up for you immediately, but I updated the review within four minutes of CB!B! tweeting the announcement of the site's launch because I am just that attentive—or I just happened to be looking at Twitter at the right moment, whichever strikes you as more plausible.

I am keen to see Spiderman As Well, as well.

I'm aware of the brand, but the pop of color is the part I wanted to highlight: They're just below eye level for the board members, adding an extra jolt of intensity to Jennifer's table-walk.

If you revisit the show with the associations of horses, cowboys, rockets, and space travel in mind, you'll find dozens more than I could cram into this piece, many of them rich enough to write an entire essay about.

I am not the person to dissuade anyone from watching the entire series again, and again, and again.

Sally switches her attentions from the older brother to the younger—from the cynic to the stargazer—after speaking to Don on the phone, after the moon landing.

Megan thinks so too: In "Commissions And Fees," when Megan, Sally, and Julia are looking for a movie to attend, Fistful Of Dollars is playing, but Megan says, "I think your father would kill me if I see that without him.

I would not like to calculate how much of recent years I've spent watching Mad Men over and over, but that means I have a reasonable catalog of its dialogue, images, and themes in my head. I did have to revisit the episodes to nail down quotes and capture images.

That is a great moment, and I was sorry it didn't have a natural place in the finished piece.

Hey, good catch, thank you! I'll correct that.

But "Monkey Lady" has such a nice ring to it!

The paper Jones burns (documenting a cure dated 2040, with her name as the researcher) and the one she doesn't (a Spearhead document of the cure Foster claimed for the 2033 mutation) show apparently identical viral forms. Realistically, I'm sure there's more to virology than "hey, these forms look the same!" But for