I like this frozen Disney guy. I wonder if he has any opinions on sensitive subjects?
I like this frozen Disney guy. I wonder if he has any opinions on sensitive subjects?
At least it is attention though right?! Our comments will no longer be ignored, we will be actively disdained!
Mike Macfarlane
Curious about the outlook of a Jays fan, do you ever envision a season when they have a better record than the Yankees, Sox, AND Rays?
Well HGH certainly made Mr. Bonds head blow up like one of those vending machine toys you let soak in water overnight.
Please let the Astros end up in the AL Central.
I hope those kids are having the times of their lives, but something tells me the national television exposure only makes the pressure and disappointment of losing that much worse. And all but one team is going to experience a soul-crushing loss.
Bitter has a point about Buck's disinterest. It has always driven me crazy to have to listen to two (Buck/McCarver) Cardinals apologists during a "national" game. Especially when they are horrible at their job.
@midwestspitfire - Was it the Spooklight at the Missouri and Oklahoma border? Never actually saw the light, but plenty of strange things to see down there.
Adding to the comment totals.
@Dikachu - Radio Song and Shiny Happy People might not be the best songs to introduce REM. But Country Feedback is great.
That is one flat downhill you are describing OP. I can give you Murmur as the best, but your hill doesn't start to drop until Up.
Well, he's right about Animal Collective.
I think you had to be there with Midnite Vultures. It takes me back.
Ghostbusters tattoo? Is it the no-ghost thing? Or Slimer? I bet it's Rick Moranis.
Glad to see Myxomatosis getting some love. Even though the album probably breaks the 5 record streak, I love that song.
Let's not place all the blame on McCarver. His Buck buddy Joe is horrible as well. You can watch a broadcast on Fox, just turn the sound off and listen to anything else.
Cubs win the torture title!
Hey Yankees fan, it is much harder to endure those same asswipes when they are sitting in KC, Oak, Sea, etc. Please let me watch my hapless team without having to watch Jeterfan#999999 try to explain to everyone around him why he has always been a Yankees fan.