
The only way to make Saving Private Ryan worthy of the Oscar it "should" have won is to stop watching the movie immediately after the Omaha Beach scene ends, and then start watching "Band of Brothers" instead. That's what the rest of the movie should have been like.

Yeah, I'd agree with this. Generally too stodgy by half - there's an occasional flash of inspiration or quirkiness, but it's nothing like enough to make the show worth watching.

Now that I've googled that phrase and discovered it's a Tame Impala song reference: yes. Yes, it does.

Yes! Exactly. Acclaim for this guy comes from all quarters, he's a critical and (to some extent) commercial success, his videos have millions of hits on YouTube… and yet all he ever seems to be doing is pumping out the same old late 60's-early 70's-style psychedelic rock of no particular merit. I guess he's reasonably

"Six White Boomers" is not a good song, but I remember it as being fun to sing when I was a kid. Also, as an Australian, it was good to have a Christmas song that referenced things native to Australia, rather than the usual snow/holly/roasting chestnuts, etc, that don't make a hell of a lot of sense in the Australian

Hmm. Christopher might want to stay away from radio telescopes for a while, just in case.

I think it's meant to do that too, and to be clear (I guess my comment was a bit short on content), I also think it looks good - from a distance. Up close, it looks a touch too precise, like something produced in Adobe Illustrator (as it presumably was). I think it might have been more appropriate if they’d used

Any call for a couple more Edith Whartons?

Yep, me too.

Is that the real cover? What a wasted opportunity.

The last batch of episodes were complete shit, so time travel can only help.