
My personal theory is that Professor Xavier de-gayified OG Bobby, because he thought he was doing Bobby a favor and, more importantly, because he thought Bobby being gay might interfere with the X-men team unity. I think it fits nicely with the "Professor Xavier is a JERK" theme that runs through the books.

Eternal Warrior, Archer & Armstrong and XO Manowar are all better comics, but they might be too different and weird to adapt. Bloodshot and Harbingers are basically copycat X-men, which is easier to explain to a Hollywood executive.

Bloodshot's kind of a X-Men analog as well - he's basically Wolverine crossed with one of the dolls from Dollhouse.

Spoiler! It's Bendis, so of course they don't. More seriously, Benjamin doesn't get much focus at all, and I think the only indication that he's gay is when he flat out announces it to Emma Frost.

Or they could just make you gay, which would fit into the recent story lines where Jean is misusing her powers…
So basically expect this to be reversed very quickly.

Or actually writing any stories for his gay character.
I still can't believe this is being dropped in right before Bendis leaves the book.

He was just trying to upset his ex-girlfriend. Basically pretending he'd never been attracted to her anyway, so who cares if she'd dumped him for being a being a blue cat-thing.

Dammit, I was so sure that I didn't care about any of this Secret Wars crap, but now here it is, a book I'm actually interested in.

So Tempus is a Magik ripoff.
Triage is an even bigger Elixir ripoff.
Goldballs is a bit of a Beak ripoff.

Just in the X-Factor books, David's managed to make Quicksilver, Monet, and Gambit not just tolerable but actually interesting. He truly has the magic touch.

Layla is two MacGuffins in one! So she's that much better.

It's not weird to dislike Hope Summers - she's incredibly unpleasant. All of a Summers' character flaws stuffed into an insufferable teenager, with none of the history, doubt or self-reflection that would make her more tolerable.

Ugh, Doug. Don't forget the part where he possibly intentionally knocked up the girlfriend, who he then proceeded to abandon. And then waited 4 or 5 years to try and see his kid.

I read Abaddon, Palmiotti and Gray's new western. I like westerns, and I've enjoyed some of their Jonah Hex trades, but I really didn't care for this book. It's actually less of a western than a serial killer story, with a large dose of Sin City added. It's also full of cliches and a plot that is overly familiar and

It's not a bad guideline, though. If someone knows what they're doing, and has a reason for releasing a particularly long (or short) album, they should go ahead and break it. Otherwise, cut the fluff.

I read the first three trades all at once, and I really like the dialogue at first, but after the second volume it started to annoy me. I think it might have been more enjoyable if I'd spread out the reading a bit.

Are you really dismissing an entire body of work based on a one sentence aside? Because that's a bit blinkered and childish.

Ew. After reading this thread, I'm really glad I never read anything after Black Dossier.

Quicksilver has fans? I do not understand people sometimes.

Ok, that sounds decent. Does The Winter Soldier actually choose a viewpoint on the violence? Because one of the many problems with Original Sins was that it basically refused to decide whether preemptive violence was justified or not.