
I read Peter Milligan's run on X-men, and it was… not very good. I know there must be some constraints writing for an established team, and it must have been hard to pick up the pieces after Chuck Austen got done wrecking everything, but still. When the highlight of a run is actually in an issue of Black Panther

Do you have more films in mind that you just failed to list?
Because I don’t think two films over four years is really a trend, especially
when one of the is based on a novel by a Missouri author, and is more of a
crime/noir story than an examination of poverty.

Runaways is another Brian K Vaughn book about some kids who find out their parents are super villains, and then run away to form a super hero team. There's a mutant on the team, and the book has several female characters.

One of my "If I win the lottery" dreams is to commission Frank Quitely to re-do those issues for my own personal New X-men Omnibus.

I finished the Planetary omnibus by Ellis and Cassaday. It's really good, although I preferred the issues that were more stand alone versus the mythos issues. Also, I'm really wondering if SPOILER Ellis decided on the Four's motivations after watching The Incredibles.

When's the next Wolverine movie out? Summer 2016? Because he'll be back right before that.

I think it's odd that people were assuming the worst about him. He's a single dad of an infant - he's probably just been exhausted all the time.

I Don't Get It
Y'know, I understand the reasoning for trying to ban some of these books. I certainly don't agree, but at least I can guess where the idiot censors are coming from.

Oh, jeez. I don't even want to think about what's making the triple posts then.

True. However, the episode is somewhat redeemed by the fact that Hatfield's cameo became the basis for a truly hilarious _Clone High_.

Hmm, I can't believe you flubbed the line. Allow me to fix that for you.

Button Eyes
If the button eyes are part of the movie, I don't know if I"ll be able to see it. Just reading about them freaked me out. It probably didn't help that I read this right after I read Heart Shaped Box - I think I now have a phobia about peoples' eyes being replaced.

I can barely even watch 3 camera sitcoms nowadays, but I still love Newsradio. My favorite moment comes from the episode where Dave and Bill quit coffee and smoking:

I'm not sure Irn-Bru is really worthy of a Taste Test. I drank a bit of it when I visited Scotland, but I actually don't even remember what it really tastes like (fruity with a hint of bubblegum, maybe?). It's Meh, like the chips.

I dunno, Lovecraft's racism seems to have been a little more entrenched than the average person. I recently starting rereading a bunch of Lovecraft stories, and it seems like the vast majority of his stories feature "tainted blood" and "inferior, degenerate, mongrel races. It's a little off putting, actually.

After reading Poopoo and lexicondevil's posts, and knowing my own habits, I suddenly get the feeling the Words section is actually full of people, but we're all just creepily lurking around, instead of posting.

I can think of a couple of reasons it's harder to post in the books section. For one, there's less forewarning - people hear about movies and albums months in advance, and are often able to obtain copies prior to release. That's not really the case with books.

A Little Disappointed
When I heard about this book club feature, I was pretty interested, thinking that it might have books that I'd actually want to read and discuss. Apparently, that's not the case.

Ah, I knew I'd heard of Iain Banks before, I just couldn't place it. I read the Wasp Factory when I was way too young and it may have scarred me for life. Perhaps that's why I haven't really heard of the Culture books before - I've been subconsciously avoiding the rest of Banks' work.