
Damn motherfucking skippy, as a drunk Cordelia might say. The criticism and discussion has strengthened my views and thoughts on Buffy and Angel tremendously and it wouldn't have been possible without you guys. It does matter.

Damn motherfucking skippy, as a drunk Cordelia might say. The criticism and discussion has strengthened my views and thoughts on Buffy and Angel tremendously and it wouldn't have been possible without you guys. It does matter.

If there any Buffy/Angel comics I'd want to read, it'd be Fray. I've heard great things. Maybe Joss can adapt as another web series after his Wastelanders show with Ellis. A geek can hope.

If there any Buffy/Angel comics I'd want to read, it'd be Fray. I've heard great things. Maybe Joss can adapt as another web series after his Wastelanders show with Ellis. A geek can hope.

@avclub-884c4beddd8c98bb3b016bdfcc1bcdf8:disqus Wow, sounds like a fustercluck. Once I learned LA became Hell-A, it didn't work for me. W&H wouldn't have left the demon army there to roam, it would've wiped out the crew, regrouped, and start Plan B.

@avclub-884c4beddd8c98bb3b016bdfcc1bcdf8:disqus Wow, sounds like a fustercluck. Once I learned LA became Hell-A, it didn't work for me. W&H wouldn't have left the demon army there to roam, it would've wiped out the crew, regrouped, and start Plan B.

They showed the senior partners?!! And I'm learning about this now?

They showed the senior partners?!! And I'm learning about this now?

GWBG is a chia pet episode, it grows on you.

GWBG is a chia pet episode, it grows on you.

Yeah, when it first aired, I was all about the Beast scenes and the Angelus arc. But now… The Jasmine arc is possibly one of my favorite mytharcs of any show, period.

Yeah, when it first aired, I was all about the Beast scenes and the Angelus arc. But now… The Jasmine arc is possibly one of my favorite mytharcs of any show, period.

"Lets go to work".

"Lets go to work".

I have to say your ranking is closer to what mine would be than any other. I always thought the series was getting better, characters more interesting, scope widening, implications more dreadful.

I have to say your ranking is closer to what mine would be than any other. I always thought the series was getting better, characters more interesting, scope widening, implications more dreadful.

@Scrawler2:disqus Yay, I convinced!

@Scrawler2:disqus Yay, I convinced!

@avclub-33807fbc68d335db8080d3c10cb78822:disqus Alas, no, I have yet to be hooked. Mostly due to the fact that a) I don't have HBO, and b) I'm poor. But I want to be addicted to it.

@avclub-33807fbc68d335db8080d3c10cb78822:disqus Alas, no, I have yet to be hooked. Mostly due to the fact that a) I don't have HBO, and b) I'm poor. But I want to be addicted to it.