
Unfortunately, I do think it was the right thing to do. Like Lindsay said earlier, 'the devil you know'. Well, they do know him and he's not a good person, full stop. He's tempted by morality every once in a while but the power that comes with evil just feels too good to him. He will never not go for it. And if they

Unfortunately, I do think it was the right thing to do. Like Lindsay said earlier, 'the devil you know'. Well, they do know him and he's not a good person, full stop. He's tempted by morality every once in a while but the power that comes with evil just feels too good to him. He will never not go for it. And if they

That in Mexico?

That in Mexico?

Wesley is fucking awesome. I still can't quite believe how much he changed in 6 years, where and how his arc went. The thing is, he may be the best man in the 'verse. His choices may have not all been well executed but it was always for the right reasons, for the good, great or small.

Wesley is fucking awesome. I still can't quite believe how much he changed in 6 years, where and how his arc went. The thing is, he may be the best man in the 'verse. His choices may have not all been well executed but it was always for the right reasons, for the good, great or small.

Whew! I'm thankful I'm not the only one who hasn't started either of theses shows in the last 2 hours.

Whew! I'm thankful I'm not the only one who hasn't started either of theses shows in the last 2 hours.

I cheered that as well. Also, a sob-filled cheer is an odd noise. The more you know…

I cheered that as well. Also, a sob-filled cheer is an odd noise. The more you know…

That's the fuckin line! I've been thinking for a long while now. I didn't want to be lazy and IMDB it.

That's the fuckin line! I've been thinking for a long while now. I didn't want to be lazy and IMDB it.

Huh. So what? That dragon came out of the portal opening in 'The Gift' and has been chilling for three years, waiting for the best looking apocalypse? Did W&H hire him out in the interim?

Huh. So what? That dragon came out of the portal opening in 'The Gift' and has been chilling for three years, waiting for the best looking apocalypse? Did W&H hire him out in the interim?

Well, I understand that it's a question of volume; how do you compare a 7 season story to a 5 season story? It's a corker. But I don't think that because Buffy had two more seasons, means it's a better show, or that the larger quantity puts it over Angel. Now I love all 7 seasons of Buffy but I know the flaws of its

Well, I understand that it's a question of volume; how do you compare a 7 season story to a 5 season story? It's a corker. But I don't think that because Buffy had two more seasons, means it's a better show, or that the larger quantity puts it over Angel. Now I love all 7 seasons of Buffy but I know the flaws of its

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus I don't know how to do a direct link but here is the address:   http://unpaidsophistry.blog…

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus I don't know how to do a direct link but here is the address:   http://unpaidsophistry.blog…

@persia2:disqus  Plausible deniabilty, the best tool a fan has.

@persia2:disqus  Plausible deniabilty, the best tool a fan has.