
Me too. *sob* Me too! He was the best of all of us. Way better than me.

Me too. *sob* Me too! He was the best of all of us. Way better than me.

@avclub-33807fbc68d335db8080d3c10cb78822:disqus So, work and college done instead of more Buffy/Angel articles and discussions. Personally, I think our plan sucks.

@avclub-33807fbc68d335db8080d3c10cb78822:disqus So, work and college done instead of more Buffy/Angel articles and discussions. Personally, I think our plan sucks.

See, the comparison of these two shows is very tough for me. Buffy was the first show I truly loved, that I watched religiously, that characters I loved and laughed and cried with. But with Angel, I did all of that and more. I thought, ruminated. Buffy made me feel. Angel made me feel and think.

See, the comparison of these two shows is very tough for me. Buffy was the first show I truly loved, that I watched religiously, that characters I loved and laughed and cried with. But with Angel, I did all of that and more. I thought, ruminated. Buffy made me feel. Angel made me feel and think.

Yes, a very large thank you to you, Noel. I've loved reading your articles and talking with everyone here about two of my all time favorites. When it was Friday, and most likely in the blistering Summer heat, we knew we could count on the Buffy/Angel pieces. We knew we were going to have interesting discussions and

Yes, a very large thank you to you, Noel. I've loved reading your articles and talking with everyone here about two of my all time favorites. When it was Friday, and most likely in the blistering Summer heat, we knew we could count on the Buffy/Angel pieces. We knew we were going to have interesting discussions and

Jeez, you're right. There won't be another one. And now it will all be Dawes-fawning-over and snarky retorts to snarky O'Neil articles.

Jeez, you're right. There won't be another one. And now it will all be Dawes-fawning-over and snarky retorts to snarky O'Neil articles.

Illyria became one of us. I was so sad when I realized that she did and it was 9:59 pm. Only another moment and the-

Illyria became one of us. I was so sad when I realized that she did and it was 9:59 pm. Only another moment and the-

They were, Gunn. They were.

They were, Gunn. They were.

Technically? Rain. Personally? Tears.

Technically? Rain. Personally? Tears.

Yeah, it was shocking. I'm not well versed in Sherlock lore, never read any of the short stories, so I've only recently found out that Moriarty was only in one story, which is just crazy to me. That's like having Lex Luthor be a villain in one comic book issue.

Yeah, it was shocking. I'm not well versed in Sherlock lore, never read any of the short stories, so I've only recently found out that Moriarty was only in one story, which is just crazy to me. That's like having Lex Luthor be a villain in one comic book issue.

I love that that's the go to explanation for both sci-fi/fantasy writers and AV Club commentators.

I love that that's the go to explanation for both sci-fi/fantasy writers and AV Club commentators.