
I loved The Waste Lands, definitely my favorite DT book I've read, but I started Wizard and Glass months ago and I still haven't finished it. It's not bad and I don't hate it but I'm severely bored reading it. I've got about less than a third left and I'm not in any way compelled to finish it.

Yeah, Fred's arc ended in a very official way with 'Hole'. If Season 6 would've occurred, then I wouldn't say that and Fred would have a much less saddening conclusion. I hope. Or maybe I don't. I mean, I hate that Fred died but damn, I love me some Whedon tragedy. I'm sick, I know.

I'm going to have to agree with that.

@avclub-1f5b519cde67ac0d0fcab419aa3048a4:disqus  Wow, that last sentence of yours is epic. I mean, I knew that but I never said/heard/read it out loud. It's sad and poignant and all too true.

Oh, into a bunch of namby-pamby, self-analyzing wankers…

"Time Bomb" is very satisfying. No caveats needed. That episode blew my mind. Well, all of the final episodes did so no real point in singling out all the mind-blowingness.

"You just want it to be the way you want it to be."

Intense eyes have that effect. He was so looking into her soul.

Gasp. I didn't get the AL;VH or the Looper trailers. All I got was a Jason Statham generic action movie and an Expendables. And I was at an Alamo. Aren't they supposed to be the cool theaters?

As a Buffy fan, I thought of the snake that Glory sicc'd on Dawn. It's movement and posture reminded me of that more so than other horror snake movies.

Shouldn't everyone?

I'm glad someone else got a noble feeling as well. I was disturbed as hell most of all but as he was staring at her, I saw a… Shit, I don't know. A look of sympathy. One of my favorite shots.

That make out scene… One of the tensest moments. And it wasn't because I thought it would bite or something. I just couldn't believe the others didn't think she was completely insane and get the hell away from her.

@avclub-a029dfa12adae355dc827614bb83e577:disqus  That's fucked up. I'm glad I stopped before the first one.

And that sawhead Hellraiser guy disturbed me a great deal. Crazy eyes!

'Firefly' was a better show but 'Dollhouse' was a more daring show, with more out there ideas. The theme of identity and where Whedon and his cabal of writers took it was amazing and kinda blew my mind.

The hospital scene was wonderful and a key Angel/Spike moment. I love it when they are antagonistic and sarcastic with each other but I absolutely love it when they actually talk like normal people, connect over their history and pain.

Yeah. I love the episode but it's a hard one to fully pay attention to. Especially when I was 15.


IIRC, I wasn't too fond of it as it aired but in the many rewatches since I've grown to love it. Definitely beats out S1 and S3's final episodes. It was the moment Angel, the series, really embraced the 'we're an epic fantasy' feeling, which I've celebrated here a few times.