
Yea, I was never a real big Cordy fan but when she showed up this episode, I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed her character. Angel and Wes kind of take over the show, even when Wes didn't really do much or have an arc for his first season and a half, but Cordelia had a hell of an arc and even with her

@avclub-e95a45d0b1f5afdf0ab9cde82b4b1d06:disqus  He wasn't a shut-in. He traveled all over the world. He picked up those tats in Nepal, or wherever, and I have to assume other places due to his sudden proficiency at martial arts. He was just a shut-in while in L.A. because it was probably easier for the senior

Yeah, as much as it hurts to say, Angel's 5th season has surpassed Buffy's 3rd for my favorite. Both seasons are perfect and the characterization is top notch and the drama/humor/suspense never let up, only ebbs and flows. The thing that one has over the other is the emotion, the vice grip on the heartstrings, and the

Yeah, that hair had to go. My mom did nothing but bitch every time he showed up.

Damn, I totally forgot about the W&H contract bullshit. Yeah, Lindsey's plan makes a kind of sense now.

For some reason, I always just assumed it was Lindsey. Mainly for the sole reason they attempted to take control of Angel's will. That seemed like something Lindsey would do: hire or create an army of cyborg ninjas to infiltrate W&H and steal a mystical maguffin that gains power over Angel's will thus making him a

I loved that sequence as well.

Yeah, it was kind of like the gasp heard around the house. I didn't see it coming.

A few years ago, I was actually hanging out with a friend whose grandparent passed away just a couple weeks prior and we were channel-surfing and she happened upon BtVS and irony of all ironies, The Body was the episode that was going to air. I tried to persuade her that this one was just not the right one to premiere

As much as I love that 'Cops Suck!' goodbye to Lindsey, I never felt his story was over. Too much was left unresolved between he and Angel and I was so thrilled when he came back at the end of this episode. Lindsey's story over these episodes in this season is pretty great from start to finish and one of the strong

I believe the writers were thinking up of grand, complex ways of making Spike solid and, I think maybe Joss, came in and said 'what if its just a box that flashes when opened and voila! Corporeal!' I don't know if that was Joss thinking economically or what but I love the simplicity.

Destiny has been my favorite episode of Angel since it aired. That fight between Angel and Spike was the very definition of epic. Definitely, one of the best choreographed fights in the series.

Odd, I just had a fight with the girlfriend and since I'm doing jack fucking all today, I put in Firefly to cheer myself up. I hope it works or else I'm going to throw shit against walls or something if it doesn't. Motherfuckin' knickknacks and shit. Shit moods blow.

Hahaha, I forgot about 'Space Oddity Fairy'. Good times.

Is it wrong for me to agree with this? I've wanted to slap not a few people since May '10.


Plus, they were going after the 'baddest of the bad', right? Of course Angel would see him down there.

Dammit, I didn't see that. Destiny is my favorite and I was excited. Now it's two weeks.

Rouse him! ROUSE HIM!

Quick! Hit him with fruits and various meats!