
The 'Come on, come on, come on' was great. And I can't believe I forgot about 'presumaly'.

Can we add Matt to the list of possible MVPs? I always like the normal characters. Matt now, Xander before…

I think I enjoyed, and still, it so much because you don't see Wes be comedic that much after Angel S3. So this and Spin The Bottle are the only ones in the latter years that have Wes as anything other than broody and badass. I cherish these episodes because I'm sure Wes did in the end. And Smile Time too. Especially

Luchadores mailmen! *spits* We shall speak of them no more!

I'm really trying to understand the hate. And I guess I can strain my eyes and see why there's dislike for the present timeline of the episode. But… How can anyone hate the flashbacks in TGiQ?

I liked Life of the Party more than Numero Cinco much better the first time through. 'Life' is as subtle as a sledge hammer while 'Numero Cinco' was more like a stick. It kept peckin' afterwards.

He's Number Five! He's a champion, if a little bit former. You think he's gonna be taken out out by the Beast? He took on the Devil's Robot!

There should be a movie about El Diablo Robotico. And they should show it every Christmas. And Super Bowl Sunday.

And I've been watching Dr. Horrible wrong.

And that's… wassup!

Mind blowage

Picking gnat shit out of pepper - Using it!!

Nicely said. I can very much see King thinking that way. And would probably be upset if he didn't.

Gerald's Game. I actively disliked it.

You forgot the obligated audience laughter.

@avclub-452b283efad05d7e7ff9f42ec80b06cb:disqus  Can I do that too? I'm feeling lazy today and people think I'm possibly stuck in a car in a blizzard if I don't post some sort of status once every week.


@avclub-15d496c747570c7e50bdcd422bee5576:disqus  Sounds like something Joss Whedon would do. That actually might be the mother of all 'road to hell' character arcs if you think of it that way.

Groo was awesome and the idea of him being the keeper instead of Drogyn would've been synched very well. Hindsight is 20/20, though.

I likened Sunnydale's population of Adults in Denial to Derry, Maine from Stephen King's IT. Both towns are homes to ancient evils and a aneurism-inducing majority of adults that are completely unable to see beyond the veil or rationality and understand that said ancient evils are dining on their citizens.