
I miss the scar. It personified Wes' innate badassery.

I've had trouble with that. Angel doesn't deserve to go to hell, nor Spike. When Angelus was cutting a bloody swath around Europe, the soul Liam O'Whateverhisname was in a heavenly dimension, most likely since we don't know but he never did anything bad before his death other than being a total womanizing douche. So

I don't think he laughed at her after that. I remember him being very sullen and in shock. Though, he did laugh at her a few episodes before in Dear Boy(?) when they're in that water tank and she said that centuries ago, he though she was the very definition of bliss but he couldn't ever love her because he had no

Yeah, I was going to say that. Though, I wish they had done a better job of saying what they do or don't remember.

Can you say jumping the gun? I kill my goldfish!

I can see that, definite metaphysical dream-like qualities. And I absolutely loved that episode, The Attic was my favorite of the series.

I remember when it first aired and that put up that warning for adult content and scary images. Neither shows had ever scared me whatsoever so my 15 year old self kind of chuckled at it. But they actually did a pretty good job of making it more frightening that any other episode before, the images of people cutting

I loved that he began dropping his 'no harm to humans' rule because honestly, The humans are the biggest evil dickweeds in the series, far outweighing the demons. I liked the Angel of Yore, take no prisoners, suffer no fools.

We are Community

Yeah, I'd hope Trank would come back to direct. I don't hate 'Found Footage' films like everyone else does but I do sometimes get bored with the similarities with other FF films but he brought some style that's been lacking and SPOILER BTW that scene in the last act where Andrew rips the cameras from the tourists in

Yeah, I wouldn't want a hyper-complex mythology. The heart of the story was what grabbed me, I'm in a similar situation as the main character Andrew thus easy in with me, so I don't know how Chronicle 2 will get my attention and, to be perfectly honest, love. It's unequivocally one of my favorite films that have come

They found out Angel was canceled during the production of episode 17 'Underneath'. So they had 5 episodes to tidy up loose ends and move along the master arc quite a bit and did an effective job of it for such little time they had. But yeah, they were always a bubble show and despite the uptick in ratings and owning

He really honed his brooding skills.

Definitely. Xander was always my favorite character on Buffy, though Spike became a very close second obviously, and I would've loved to have seen him in L.A., the Council's liaison, right alongside Angel and Spike. After the first third of Buffy's S7, you never saw him be any scenes with Spike, or anyone for that

Yeah, I got all too distracted by the continuity last time I rewatched. No matter how I tried to make sense of it all, the timeline is just all manner of fucked up. Basil is correct. This time, anyway.

Yeah, I don't think she was created either. Look at the other liaison, Marcus Hamilton. We don't know how long he'd been in the employ of W&H but I got the sense that it was only the last couple, or few, centuries due to the heavy implication of history between him and Drogyn and the history there seemed downright

Yeah, that two part Illyria opener was phenomenal and as solid as it got. The drama, action, tragedy, comedy, tension. God, that last season kicked ass.

I've heard the same 'underrated' comment and I've think it mostly has to do with the dialogue, if you can believe it. Some people got pissed at Angel's "Winifred Burkle… Go" line, said it was beyond melodramatic and a few other lines. I don't know what they're smoking  but A Hole in the World is definitely top 10 in

@avclub-bc3e14e2ab565f7787d753233df681d1:disqus  True. Because of your, and Tecumseh's, comments, I've backed down on saying Angel is better. It's still an excellent show and just as captivating, but Buffy does excel at the emotion, maturity be damned, and I shouldn't forget that.

That is a good point. Sometimes, I underestimate, or undervalue, Buffy's wide range of topics/ideas/themes, which is shocking and embarrassing of me because Buffy was the first show I fell in love with and obsessed over. I get so caught up in being in awe of Angel's main theme and how I related to it and constantly