
@avclub-bc3e14e2ab565f7787d753233df681d1:disqus  I can sympathize with wanting that explication on the Shanshu Prophecy but I felt it had also been resolved by him signing it away due to the Archduke's urging. He had spent 5 years fighting for and trying to earn that reward any and every way he could think of. That

I especially love that it was Doug Petrie(if I'm not mistaken, I'm remember his name coming up in the story) who came in and wrote the question on the writer's room whiteboard. My favorite Buffy writer.

Of course it's cavemen. I mean, I'm all for intelligence and cognitive thinking but when the fighting starts, there is a reason most go primitive in seconds flat.

Pavay? Do you meant Pavayne in that ghost episode with Spike? That was a good one.

Yeah, I remember getting a tv guide, of some kind since I doubt my parents got a subscription for the real official TV Guide, in the mail during the summer in between the season. It had Marsters on the cover and dropped the all too spoileriffic bomb 'Spike on Angel' or some such. Wouldn't it have been an amazing

They actually did that?! Wow, what douchenozzles.

The only reason I liked Eve was the apple moment in this premiere. Then all of my feelings for her afterwards were just leftover from that.

Yeah, Wes can take it. And if he couldn't… Well, it would've made for brilliant tv.

Unfortunately, I don't think there was an actor in all four series. That would've been awesome.

My thoughts exactly. Best season of each and among the best ever.

Better in ways, I'd say. Like the consensus, it's the maturity that pushes it over the line. Sometimes, I find the decisions that the characters on BtVS make to be the opposite of well thought out and, just, oy. I also think the serialized storyline of Season 2 onwards make for a story arc that I think is fascinating

I don't know, I found Angels' themes much more alluring and interesting than BtVS. There was more maturity and had a stronger philosophical tinge to it. At least Season 2 onwards. Angel's "No matter what we do" monologue was a blueprint on what and/or how to analyze the future seasons/episodes. It may not have been as

I liked her dress… That was one plunge-y dress…


She put in a great performance for the dual roles. And I love that Whedon knew she could do it because of their Shakespeare parties. I would've killed to have been in on those nights with Whedon and the cast.

Destiny is my favorite episode of the season, the series, and possibly of both shows. I'll wait to talk about it when the episode comes up but that episode confirmed it for me that I wanted to write. Spike and Angel's fight: the best of them all…

I enjoyed that one, mainly for The Prince of Lies. That was such an odd character.

I would too. Maybe something on F/X? AS much as I would love them on HBO, I don't have it and I would curse the heavens for the futility of it all.

I really wanted to love the comics. The first time I actually bought a comic. But the medium was too different and Whedon's full throttle no barriers storytelling went off course and I got tired of the ridiculousness of it. I've heard Season 9 is much better but I just think I should accept that Buffy and Angel ended

Yeah, the weight had me a little distracted for the first few weeks but I think the hair had a lot to do the visual perception. His look was quite annoying that first third but realizing the same thing you did the fatcat position, I became more accepting and by the time Harms Way came around, he started looking his