
@intangible_fancy:disqus  Talk about moral complexity, huh?

The Angel/Spike relationship is, imho, the best relationship in the entire Whedonverse. The way Boreanaz and Marsters play off each other and improve their acting, which was pretty good so far, made for such fascinating storytelling. If I had one wish, it would've been for the continuation of their story, through

There had to be some kind of happy or upbeat story to be told before the two part endgame. Due to the maudlin, and epically perfect, ending, I'm grateful for The Girl in Question.

The Rome episode is my father's favorite and definitely one of the funniest of the series. Every flashback is comedic gold and the interaction between Angel and Spike, united in hatred for that pompous p.o.s., is just awesome squared. And when Dru comes out and reveals to Spike that the Immortal banged her too, his

Personally, the parties are half the draw. And the work days don't seem to be boring whatsoever.

I've missed this as well. Yay for us! And especially for Noel for losing his Angel season 5 cherry. Cherish it, Noel, cherish.


I saw that with my dad as well… Wow, uncomfortable.

@e_dog:disqus  And miglia sounds like a part of the female anatomy.

I do know where a 30 yr old EMT of the year is… But I've called dibs a while back.

I took my girlfriend to go see Chronicle. We absolutely loved it. I am not a comic book/superhero movie fan but Chronicle is the reason that I still go see those damn movies. I felt so much for the cousins and related to Andrew to a degree, I'm in a similar shituation with my mother so of course he'd be the guy I'd

I asked the same damn question… And still no answer.

Clue is one of the greats. One of the greatest comedy casts ever. There is no overrating that movie.

It was an odd movie. It wasn't great, wasn't bad. Just an oddly made film. And I'm pretty sure that's what Ferrell and Marky Mark were going for. I still don't know how I feel about it or if I even like it.

I can't bring myself to watch this show. I didn't have cable at the time it was airing so I hold myself partly, as in one in several hundred million suspects, responsible. I'm a huge Tim Minear fan, some of you have seen me around the Buffy/Angel articles(you were there and you were there and you were there, etc), and

Tangled was one of the several kid movies that my girlfriend has made me go see with her and her kids that I didn't hate or was apathetic to. I may have, I dare say, enjoyed myself. I actually laughed. It was shocking, personally.

Another Billy Bob Thornton quote would do: "I swear, it's like I'm playin' cards with my brother's kids or somethin'. You nerve-wrackin' sons-a-bitches."

The 'Burbs is one of my favorite films of all time, one of the few that everyone in my family, even my snooty sister, liked and watched as a unit, and amicably. Not too mention one of those films where my entire family can quote from memory and usually get a laugh.

@avclub-d80126524c1e9641333502c664fc6ca1:disqus  That was my thought and was kind of impressed that Snyder used that song when he did. I agree with the other examples but that one made since to me. Although, I'm a big S&G fan, and especially Sound of Silence, so I probably shouldn't be trusted in this case.

I've tried to watch Tucker & Dale Vs Evil and I just couldn't get past the first 5-8 minutes. I have this thing where its hard to watch the highly embarrassing scene that's on the screen and I just turn away or mute or whatever. I don't know why I hate those kind of scenes, it's a psychological thing from childhood