
And Spike in that season 4 episode where Will's spell gets all sorts of fucked up and he and Buff get engaged. I believe he makes a comment. I have no idea how I remember that but I do.

Sigh… Reading the last season of the Buffyverse without your insights as a kick ass extra to Noels' articles is going to suck. You guys make a good analytical team.

I credit Buffy and the pretty much all of the Whedon shows for a good portion of my sense of morality and humanistic views. I'm a moral and, I like to think so at least, good person because Whedon and his staff showed kids growing up into adults in a way that Dawson's Creek and whatever other shitty WB shows failed to

Right. The image of the softball player, filled with all of that young, performance anxiety and then that sense of innate asskickery being unlocked from deep within… Great image and great storytelling. How many people wish they had that same sense of asskickery at times like those? I know I have. I'll never think of

Joyce Summers! How come no one has mentioned Joyce Summers?!

Totally, I loved those parents. Holmes Osborne seems like an awesome dad.

He's a mandroid. You should know that, sarC.

I'm not sure I get it. Is that a Northern Exposure reference? It's been a decade since I've even seen an image or thought about it.

Dammit, I wanted to say that! Fuck.

I'm THE black woman!

Conservatism, John, is a fickle bitch.


You're safe then. I think most people here had the same predicament.

Damn, I forgot about that. With his thighs?! Wow, that's some funny shit.

Kari was totally the reason to watch Sliders. Well, at least for 10 year old me.

What you described sounds like Chuck Palahniuk wrote a zombie novel… Which I don't know if that is good or bad.

Yeah, it didn't really lend itself to a multi-season series. Would season one end with the actual book ending and season two would explore the dome makers? Cause it doesn't deserve that much explication. It was told in a paragraph, for crying out loud.

Ouch. Your name suits you.

Well, technically, I just mean the eyes. Yeah, I know he's not the best and, at this point, he's still learning the trade. But his eyes are so intense in every scene that I just get riveted. I'm sorry but there it is.

No, that's fair. I happen to love Aliens where I only really really like Alien. Both are classics and I can understand why one would love one over the other. But don't let this happen again or no amount of Dawesing will help.*