
are you all so thick that when you heard Dahl's "third rule of showbusiness" you didn't think about the nondisclosure agreement in the first part?

are you all so thick that when you heard Dahl's "third rule of showbusiness" you didn't think about the nondisclosure agreement in the first part?

Not to be pedantic, but Lancaster Dodd doesn't own the ship that Quell jumps on. This is made obvious by the scene in court where Dodd is ordered to pay restitution for damage to the boat. Why would Dodd be ordered to pay for damage to his own boat? I guess it must be hard being a reviewer, having to pay attention to

Not to be pedantic, but Lancaster Dodd doesn't own the ship that Quell jumps on. This is made obvious by the scene in court where Dodd is ordered to pay restitution for damage to the boat. Why would Dodd be ordered to pay for damage to his own boat? I guess it must be hard being a reviewer, having to pay attention to

quit bitching
Gen X'ers are just pissed because they are paying for Boomers' social security but they already half know that millennials (greater in number and general pissiness) will most definitely not do the same for them. Oh well, at least you guys have such amazing, talented bands as Pavement and Sonic Youth to

the proposal
I want to marry Megan Ellison.

kid publishing star
seems like the perfect catalyst for a nationwide a.v. club lynch mob.


thank god.
With movies as preposterous as this coming out, I'm actually becoming slightly afraid that someone will beat me to my dream production of "Zombies Vs. Mummies Vs. Pirates Vs. Robots Vs. Space Marines Vs. Dinosaurs Vs. Steven Seagal" epic.

You're a fucking loser dude. The Hater's best moments are when she's hating on something new and still freshly irritating. When you rant against the Today Show and trucker hats you are more or less engaging in the sort of activity that would content a bunch of fucking 16 year olds who just watched Donnie Darko and

ZMF is played out. Your schtick is tired, and so is the Hater's. I mean, raving against trucker hats? Is this the best that we hipsters can come up with?

what about?
The beatrice inn? I hear _all_ the cool people are there right now.