
I've been thinking of the three seasons as one long Hero's Journey -

I was pretty leveled up so Secret Boss Block wasn't that tough.  I just imagined it was Sony the Corpo-humanoid and hate-clicked my way to victory.

I was pretty leveled up so Secret Boss Block wasn't that tough.  I just imagined it was Sony the Corpo-humanoid and hate-clicked my way to victory.

It's so fascinating on a primal level.  I feel like all of life could be represented this way.  Maybe this is how the Matrix starts….

It's so fascinating on a primal level.  I feel like all of life could be represented this way.  Maybe this is how the Matrix starts….

I'm still stuck on bargaining, but I'd trade it for some acceptance…

I'm still stuck on bargaining, but I'd trade it for some acceptance…

How can we ensure that Adult Swim picks up Harmon's animated series about an inventor and his grandson?  And how can we convince Dan to have the grandson attend a certain Community College?

How can we ensure that Adult Swim picks up Harmon's animated series about an inventor and his grandson?  And how can we convince Dan to have the grandson attend a certain Community College?

I'm confused, is this Bargaining or Acceptance?

I'm confused, is this Bargaining or Acceptance?

Sony should at least have the decency to rename the show. Some options -
Greendale: The College Years 
The Community Project

Sony should at least have the decency to rename the show. Some options -
Greendale: The College Years 
The Community Project

Well, it's not like Joss Whedon was show runner for every season of Buffy and Angel, right? So as long as Harmon is still a writer…

Well, it's not like Joss Whedon was show runner for every season of Buffy and Angel, right? So as long as Harmon is still a writer…

Let's just say Evil Abed crossing over into the main timeline caused fractures in reality which just /seem/ like continuity errors.  The full impact of this won't be realized until next season when Jeff tracks down his dad and discovers he is his own father.

Let's just say Evil Abed crossing over into the main timeline caused fractures in reality which just /seem/ like continuity errors.  The full impact of this won't be realized until next season when Jeff tracks down his dad and discovers he is his own father.

The back half of Season 3 has cemented it as my favorite season, but I do hope next year is a bit more grounded.  All the genre excursions start to lose impact without some sort of baseline to contrast them with.  It's like the concept episodes are a giant cookie, and we need more "pizza" episodes to…make a balanced

The back half of Season 3 has cemented it as my favorite season, but I do hope next year is a bit more grounded.  All the genre excursions start to lose impact without some sort of baseline to contrast them with.  It's like the concept episodes are a giant cookie, and we need more "pizza" episodes to…make a balanced

I know no one will ever read this, because I encrypted it with my proprietary unbreakable algorithm, so I feel safe in mentioning that I like to dress up as Mary Kate Olsen and re-enact scenes from Full House.