
Of course they're going for the Green Goblin arc, that's the primary arc of the Spiderman mythos. They're just doing it with a semblance of restraint and concern for character development.

Of course they're going for the Green Goblin arc, that's the primary arc of the Spiderman mythos. They're just doing it with a semblance of restraint and concern for character development.

that's actually the end of asterios polyp.

i'll tell you why no one younger didn't watch
they didn't stream the fucking show. i would have watched if only there had been a decent video on the internet, but no, they still think exclusivity is some sort of advantage. it gets down to the same thing— the people in charge are dinosaurs.

i thought it was gonna be an amazing journey-type thing. instead its got cameron diaz walking and talking and "acting"…

he's so…frank
i wonder…is that on purpose?

Joe Dirt wasn't that bad
Am I the only one who thinks this?

3D effects
I saw the trailer for Piranha 3D before Avatar and the effects were just painful. Badly done 3D is going to ruin movies in the future.

kidnappings do actually happen from time to time. so that part of the movie is accurate, at least. stay positivo, amigos!

this is newsworthy because…?

it saddens me greatly that
this movie got a worse review than a movie with zach efron.

i can't imagine that this is that bad…at least, i hope it's not


neko case
i want to marry her. not just sleep with her (though i would) but take her out to dinner, buy her flowers, raise children with her, the whole bit. she is that hot.

why oh why
people, i thought we were done with the whole "comic book panel" editing. seriously, if ang lee can't make a split screen work, what makes these people think they can?

Daisy Owl is going to get so much traffic because of you, Metcalfe.

If you like Daisy Owl more than Achewood you haven't read enough of Achewood. It's understandable, as there are 8 years of archives to go through, not to mention blogs. Like Arrested Development, Achewood relies on thorough knowledge of each character's personality and history. It's not a gag strip, which is what

Didn't this album come out like two weeks ago??
Why the slow response time, AV Club? I knew this album was awesome before New Years.