
Seriously? Zero Sandor Cleganes?

I hate origin stories and I hate trailer sound effects and I hate cultural appropriation and I hate
I hate

I'm a loner, Gini. A rebel.


Mole, Ev'ret?

Ron Chest. I'm captain of the Forever Flyfast. Garglemann here tells me you're looking for passage to the Dongle system.

He's even got the plaid button-down already.

Wil Wheaton's "darkest timeline" counterpart?

Daniel Day Lewis has always been my pick for Talon Karrde.

"I've made a tiny mistake." - Pod

Really? I'm the first one to say "Bieber Vendetta"??
Come on, people! Get your act together!


"Blast, it looks like they're all out of Gravitas."
"All right, guess we'll be doing that magician movie after all."

Bucky: Gee, Cap, why'd ya trade in yer spandex for cargo pants?
Cap: Because it's winter, soldier.

Sounds like Cora and Robert dodged a bullet by having that miscarriage.

The Young Momaw Nadon Chronicles

Classic NBC's: |̶|̶|̶|̶|̶ |||