Hurf Blurfman

This video summarizing an excessively protracted, needlessly complex comic book event is too long and needlessly complex. Someone please make a comic summarizing it.

Her brother is responsible for the internet's biggest anti-entertainment gas chamber? Praise Jesus, the talent is just raining like manna from that bent-assed family tree


nice b8

This is a legit good song.  This guy is just being an asshole.

I'm in a seriously shit mood today, and I was about to post a long, incoherent, profanity-laden rant about how this show sucks and Sorkin's an idiot and the people who like this dumbass show are even bigger idiots, but it's just not worth it. Nothing this man has ever made is worth it.

I'm having varying degrees of charming indifference toward whatever the hell this lame-looking crap is.

I'm having varying degrees of charming indifference toward whatever the hell this lame-looking crap is.

Reading that plot synopsis made my brain try to claw its way out of my skull.

Reading that plot synopsis made my brain try to claw its way out of my skull.

no one cares

don't care

In one fell swoop we lose MCA, Maurice Sendak and Vidal Sassoon, three men who did nothing but good in this world, far too soon.  So obviously this fucking kid-toucher is gonna live to be 200.

When it comes right down to it, The Lorax is the story of a guy who was given exactly one thing to do, was completely bad at his job, and now the world had to suffer because of his gross incompetence.  Up yours, Lorax.  You suck worse than Cop Rock.

whatever, don't care

Because Nickelodeon and DC Comics both said my pitch for a spinoff/crossover where Toph travels through space and time to mercilessly administer red-assed beatdowns to various supervillians was "idiotic and unmarketable" and would be a "career-destroying embarrassment for anyone unfortunate enough to be involved in