
Having been lulled into a full sense of security, some lucky bastards in Austin, Texas apparently saw the new Star Trek movie instead of Wrath of Khan.

It's a loose remake, so I'm guessing it'll be in the same vein as O Brother Where Art Thou. That was a good 'un.

Punisher 2?
Are they marketing it as Punisher 2? I thought it was just Punisher: War Zone, being that it's something of a reboot instead of a direct sequel. Not that it matters, really. It sucks any way you put it.

Other unpronounceable abominations
Gigli? I still don't have a clue how you spell that. Giggle-y?

Sequel is, of course, inevitable. "Taken 2: Achieving Through Violence".

@Plaster: I hated the Freddie Krueger guy not because his motives were unclear, but because he was a cliche horror villain and because, once he appeared, everyone started acting like characters in a slasher: "Oooh, there's a person hiding on the ship that might have murdered members of my crew, let me just go and get