
If Skater Brah ends up being the Fourth Hand, I will be very sad because that will mean more Skater Brah, and nobody wants that. Nobody.

I'm not even sure I can sustain my hate-watching of the show for much longer. I utterly don't give a single shit about any of the characters. And I have a track record of being able to muster an emotional reaction to the plights of even the most unlikable TV characters (Andrea on Walking Dead, for example). However,

When Angie picked up the knife in the diner only to see Skater Brah, did anyone else shout at the TV "STAB HIM ANGIE THEN ALL WILL BE FORGIVEN"?

Sheriff Linda: Nobody under any circumstances is to pee on the Dome!

Dodee on the show seems to this show's version of Phil's wife Samantha from the book, and her character is so the total opposite of Sam I can't but think her "uber-amazing at everything" is intentional irony or something.

"did anyone count how many times "the dome" was said?"

His former owner's disembodied legs would make better company.

Future plot line:

Dodee makes me want to scream. She's a Mary Sue character if I've ever seen one. She has inexplicable random hidden talents (sign language AND lip reading?! Oh my!) and when they need to track a signal "HAY U GUYZ I TOTS HAVE A GADGET 2 DO DAT!!!"

The poop is about to become part of the micro-ecosystem of the Dome and will rain from the sky in a couple episodes.

Now I can't help but picture the Simpsons Halloween episode where donuts fall from the sky.

It does seem more than a little odd that they're advertising it as if it's the most brilliant and moving show to come along since ever.

Not Ben I hope. Dudebro's line needs to end here.

I counted how many times "Dome" and "Chester's Mill" were said this episode.

There's more meat to this idea than the cows in Chester's Mill!

At least Alice is more devoted to her than her dumbass daughter, who seriously justified wanting to die with a guy she met less than a week ago rather than her parents by saying "Ya but u mah FRIEND"

Under The Dome: Dome-Adjacent.

They just revealed Alice had a husband who has now tracked Norrie and her down. It being major network television (CBS in particular), I wouldn't be shocked if Alice does somehow start to fall for him again.

I hope there are many more episodes in which people make out with the Chester's Mill Dome and then act as if The Dome is little more than a weird inconvenience.