joey jo jo

I mean "flashing the gorilla" is practically being used as a new synonym for jumping the shark after this season of Masters of Sex. I don't necessarily think the show is bad but I don't think it's anywhere near the quality of the first season.

I think you are confusing jumped the shark with the shows you like and blindly defend (homeland, masters of sex, glee, vampire diaries etc.)

Not only that but right before the truck hits Jax, Michael Chiklis yells
out "Jesus!" as if the 'subtle' imagery of the Christ pose and the
subsequent shot of bread and wine wasn't enough. Kurt Sutter is about as
subtle as a bag of hammers.

I know at this point I shouldn't be dwelling on logical inconsistencies but I find it really amusing that in the last episode, Jax committed grand theft auto, evaded arrest, led the police on a dangerous chase, and destroyed government/public property. But all it took to make everything go away was Unser calling off

It makes me laugh when Unser tries to take the moral high ground when just earlier in this season he helped coverup the murder of an innocent civilian (the asian apartment manager) and then just forgot about it.