
Sarah. Sarah Bernhardt.

There's a type of Turkish carpet called a "Kilim". Was that what you didn't succeed at making a joke about?

The whole point of Basterds seemed to be that murdering your enemies in horrible ways is awesome, especially if you're Jewish, so… not sure that was exactly "punching up". If you think about it it kind of brings up a lot of really depressing thoughts about the cycle of belligerence in Israel. In that sense I could

I think you're wrong. Both of the FFXIII sequels improved on the previous game a lot, and in a weird way now I feel like the original one has been retroactively justified.

@avclub-991c1161618c95bc94d3e7508c0a3d30:disqus that's not witty. Stop saying it.

Your opinions about both Immortal Technique and Killer Mike are incorrect.

This one's French: Nonquay


I love the names and background… but your hyphens and apostrophes need a LOT of work my rodeo-cligga

Dude. Are you seriously going through this thread having an embolism every time someone doesn't use "bird" as an exact synonym for "dinosaur"? What a weird thing to freak out about. I think you need to take a few days off from the bird museum or whatever.

Dude. Are you seriously going through this thread having an embolism every time someone doesn't use "bird" as an exact synonym for "dinosaur"? What a weird thing to freak out about. I think you need to take a few days off from the bird museum or whatever.

There are a bunch of other magic-London ones - China Mieville's King Rat? Long Dark Teatime (something about a portal in a train station)? Somebody in M. John Harrison's novel Light? And something in Auster's New York Trilogy? My memory is usually less vague but these are all things I read ages ago.

There are a bunch of other magic-London ones - China Mieville's King Rat? Long Dark Teatime (something about a portal in a train station)? Somebody in M. John Harrison's novel Light? And something in Auster's New York Trilogy? My memory is usually less vague but these are all things I read ages ago.

? Chicago might take some more time but I can tell you that Kuala Lumpur would be jungle in 8 months, tops.

? Chicago might take some more time but I can tell you that Kuala Lumpur would be jungle in 8 months, tops.

Actually instead of having dreadlocks like every alien since Predator, these ones have evil soul patches. It's not an improvement.

This wasn't that bad, actually. Way better than Transformers. At least the premise forced them to stick to action sequences with some sort of comprehensible cause and effect. Someone shoots at someone else, then you see if they hit them or not. Refreshing.

I think I know what you mean - to me Last Crusade had a kind of exaggerated, good-humored self-referential tone, like "here we go again for the last time". Which would've been good for the 4th movie if they hadn't already done it.

because, Gern, it asked me, the viewer, a question, to which the answer was an angry and confused "No!"

Funkhauser or Funkhouser?
I'm seeing both on Google, and I'm too lazy to go any further into it right now.