
Are we sure that Pete changed everything in the prison file? I watched this episode a few days ago, but I thought that while he did change the pictures, he didn't change the crimes for which they were arrested? And that is what Carly was focusing on.

Did you stop watching with 5 minutes left? All's well that ends well? How do you write up a recap/review without mentioning Matt going back to the outlands and taking the place of the naked guy?

I'm sorry, but complaining that a show doesn't define it's female characters is like saying "jump the shark." It's the hot button critique these days and I feel that it is completely overused. Why does a show have to have super well-defined female characters 5 episodes in? Why does every wife have to serve a

Yeah I'm pretty sure the implication is that she received "departed" payments for her husband and two kids. Thus, not only is she flush with cash, but has no problem spending it since it likely reminds her of what she lost.

Then you, my friend, take TV shows too seriously. You probably wanted Hank to take down Heisenberg and were happy when SC&P kicked Don Draper out of the agency. Like I said, I'm an antihero guy. I know Lester is a scumbag…but I still prefer him over some one-note d-bag character like Chaz.

Saturday Night Live for me. Maybe it's because as a teenager, I never really stayed up late enough to watch during its heyday. And then as a 20 something and adult, I would be out doing social things and rarely parked in front of the TV on Saturday nights. But even the handful of times I watched SNL, I didn't care

How can ANYONE root for or feel sorry for Chaz? I mean that name alone is enough to make me hate him. Not to mention the fact that he is the epitome of a douche bag character. I'm shocked, Todd, that you felt for him and are irked that Lester pulled one over on him. Maybe I too often root for the antihero, but

The reason 24 makes for a better binge watch show - I read your last bullet point and said "who the F is Jordan?!?" Those bit characters always get lost in the shuffle of Jack's suspenseful chase to save the world.

Damnit Zach! How could you forget to include that the Jack Bauer doll would obviously be programmed to say "DAMNIT CHLOE!!"

I actually put 4 above 3. I think I would go 2-1-5-4-3-7-8-6. Everything up until 6 was great IMO. Not The Wire/BB great, but great appointment television. I still don't think I ever get as excited for a show as I did with 24 during its heyday. Great stuff.

Sansa was relieved BEFORE she found out he was not only responsible for (indirectly), but took great pleasure in the murder of her brother and mother! Throw the passive behavior out the window. And thinking logically, how boring will her character continue to be if she just sits around sulking episode after episode.

I'm in the "Sansa did it" boat with the help of Dontos. The fact that the goblet rolled over to her combined with Dontos pulling her out as she watched in delight/horror just screamed conspiracy to me. Plus, I think the others are too obvious. Sansa needs something to do this season - so Kingslayer fits her well I

That's the beauty of a Netflix series - there is no such thing as "bombing". Sure, maybe critics won't like it. But without traditional, bogus ratings to rely on, as long as people are talking about House of Cards (and they did/are), it's a success.

I must have missed the part where "the truth is out on Annie's boyfriend."  What happened there?  I now realize that the one black PI guy was working for Toni, but I didn't really follow.  Must've been playing with my iPhone (really need a Tom Haverford-style intervention).  Thanks!

I must have missed the part where "the truth is out on Annie's boyfriend."  What happened there?  I now realize that the one black PI guy was working for Toni, but I didn't really follow.  Must've been playing with my iPhone (really need a Tom Haverford-style intervention).  Thanks!