Oppar Polosites

I saw an early test audience cut of this film a few months ago. Some thoughts:

I saw an early test audience cut of this film a few months ago. Some thoughts:

AV Club is doing a vocabulary clearance sale in the news articles today - ablution; tautology - and giving the ol' thesaurus a workout.

I always found the women present at Ben's apartment the most disturbing detail. I had always thought the inclusion of women in this scenario very disturbing, as they are obviously aware of what was occurring, but still passively enjoying the company as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening.

I'm guessing that Myles is circling the drain with the A.V. Club, in terms of employment. Given the overcompensation he's been pumping out lately in his dire reviews, it seems like the fellow is just a few weeks away from getting canned on this site. Well, at least this pretentious negative jackass can lord over his

Sure does! What, you didn't the "So Now You're An Adult!" information pamphlet?

I've read and understood all of Rand's work I've read, including The Virtue Of Selfishness. Then I became an adult and realized how short-sighted and heartless Objectivism really is, and only benefits 1) Corporations, and 2) The 1% of people who profit immensely from unregulated enterprise, while it crushes everybody

I'm hoping this will reach out to the youth of this country, who need a text to support the belief that being a self-centered asshole with a superiority complex is the only way to exist. Oh, and to quash all feelings of empathy towards your fellow man and disavow the hard work of the multitudes of people who bring

I read this interview in anticipation of reading about Loggia's experience on Wild Palms. It was a pretty great miniseries, even if it comes across as dated now. The fact that it didn't care to explain everything, and that such a surreal series made it to air retained my admiration for it. Also, Loggia was at his

I would also posit that a lot of what seems like a lack of narrative continuity in the episodes are, in fact, a reflection on the semi-retired lifestyle Larry David himself enjoys. Playing the wildly affluent, in his mid-60's, former writer/producer of Seinfeld is probably not the biggest stretch an actor has ever had

Karl is so real with what he says it boarders on him being a savant. Besides his ideas of giving one organization a year all the charity money in the world, his thoughts on GPS systems (against, because it's better to get lost and find nice fancy dress shops instead), and how in the future we'll all blend…all our

One of my favorite board games off all time was the Sweet Valley High one. It was pretty much The Dating Game, except with characters from the books. Yes, I am a boy (or was, in the 1980's). I have two sisters who both read the books. I never read the books, but that board game was freaking awesome. Tried to buy the

Jesus, can you lay off The Apple Sisters for just one week? It seems like every Podmass that mentions them (which is often) has to discuss: 1) that their intro is repetitive and just completely kills the other 20+ minutes that follows it, for some reason, and 2) that they have yet to live up to their first episode.

Doucheterpiece Theater is what they'll re-title this show when they start running it on PBS in 50 years.

His bizarre inflection of "your dark master: the cocoa bean!" still gets a laugh from me any day.

I'll stick to Tiger Electronics Hit Clips for my music delivery system, thank you very much.