
Yes… perhaps… Perhaps I will learn to temper my enthusiasm to work I like with…. "dude" … in order that I may project a glib, disintegration of my frontal lobe… you really work as a human being "Dude"… keep those zingers flying… the "That's yer mom" … dude you are killer clever… I'm sure you have a fantastic life

The opening sequence was genius… the masterful violinist juxtiposed with the hobo washing himself under a sheet of tarp… Wow… then Louie's fantasy on the subway of cleaning up a pile of liquidfied poo—to cheering passengers… this show is really the highest level of art, mascarading as a sitcom.

This came off as a crabby to you Todd….no, solid reviews throughout the season, thank you…. what I mean to say as from a great pilot, too glimmers of hope in the first season… the second season has made it embarrasing to still be watching this bronzed glossy turd.

I think I'm first?
bad, bad, bad reviewer….This episode was pure formage. Giving the entire season a B+ will not help it to ever get any better.

they need to find a new British asshole, stat… perhaps one of Gordon Ramsey's kids, put them on growth hormones, get a smarm coach, and teach them how to roll their eyes while a group of teenage girls weep.

I want Spader to be the new boss so badly… I think another man child would be the death knell to the new series… and pretty much kill the series once and for all.

I think Spader was by far the strongest contender, he is like every boss I've ever worked for… namely a full of shit narcissistic psychopath …. I think he could potentially cut the cuteseyness and wackiness, of the ensemble characters who've kind of been under the thumb of a wacky fun loving man child for many

Looks like it country style
The bland leading the bland, Alfred E Newman vs Princess Zzzzzzzzzzz.

Poor Batman
I don't like watching nerds get beat up…

Loved Dwight in this one too… I think they've found some un-explored color with him as a sad sack former over achiever, now defeatist. The cold open was great, Michael new even if Dwight was upset with him, there is no force in nature that could would give Dwight greater pleasure than describing proper bear

Totally Irresponsible
I used to champion this show…and was hoping the Kurt return (no more cut aways to his time at gay Narnia—the school beyond the closet)

He's the Beatles of Black fat suit wearing drag queens that tell it like it really is…

Don't you realize Glee is this generations "Monkees'". I'm just thankful there was no internets around to hurt Davie Jones feelings when they did such episodes as "Monkees' Marooned" or "Monkees' go to Texas". Although the show was wildly inconsistant in tone, and quality, it still had that "Can Do" American spirit

"Do the write thing"? … I hang my head in virtual shame. This is even more embarassing because I was a key grip on that movie and have Spike Lee's face tatoo'd on my nads.

I think Spike Lee has made several great movies, more than your average directorwriter. But I have no idea why he goes after Tyler Perry for his "Coonery".. Perry films are broad, stupid, sentimental…. he is a man that dresses up as a women in a fat suit, and pretends hes a "Big Black Momma"…they're culturally

This looks wicked
Robots fighting is why god gave humanity consciousness …

…Pot meet kettle….

Charlie Sheen is pure awful.

The world just isn't ready for a female Italian American star, that isn't orange…drunk 24 7, and caked in her own vomit and urine…. I thought this little Macaroni Rascal was pretty hot though.

A Planet Making Work Of Staggering Apes