
I'm not interested in getting into a conversation over the feasibility of personal responsibility, but I feel like someone has to provide an alternative.

I believe the time served depends on what type of plea bargain was reached. If the plea bargaining was specifically for the purpose of reaching mutual agreement over a possible sentence, that type of bargain is always subject to revision by a judge. Since I believe the up-to-90 days imprisoned was merely a condition

I don't do criminal work, but judicial discretion to modify plea bargains is broad, particularly when the bargain's terms fall outside of the sentencing guidelines for the charged crime, in this case statutory rape (or CA's version which I believe is "unlawful sexual intercourse").

You're throwing "judicial malfeasance" around a lot. It doesn't mean what you're framing it to mean. 
I believe you are also misrepresenting the facts of the case. Polanski and Geimer's attorneys arranged a plea bargain, the terms of which required psychiatric evaluation. Jail time served was for the purposes of

@avclub-382244fee17774590b496d89418029a7:disqus Well. That makes more sense. 
I was living in London when the series premiered and watched it there - haven't seen the U.S. version yet. I can't imagine that anything THAT important is being cut, especially since it's the shows own producers and not PBS execs.

PBS doesn't make the cuts. The BBC does before they send it to the U.S. - cuts are made because of the different time formatting for commercials…or something.

Ok so yeah that quote doesn't really reflect well. But ignoring it for a moment…

(maybe) Minority opinion here: