North Haverbrook Forty

"Think about this: what is the most exciting thing that can happen on TV or in movies, or in real life? Somebody has a gun. That''s why I always start with a gun, because you can''t top it. You just can't."


Thank you for this (say, say, the light).

I promise you this: I don't cry at movies / TV.  But when Mark Greene died, holy shit, there were tears.

It would have to be "Turpentine" by The Late Greats.  As the greatest lost track of all time, it cannot be heard on the radio.

There was some "choose your own adventure" type game on that website and I played it and won a promotional CD about the movie. I'd never won anything from a website before….or after. I think it had the trailer and cast bios on it.  Cool green type running across the scree bro, I know.

The Capital City Goofball?

Like Nixon said, the world (or at least cable TV) needs mediocre comedies too.

If you know where my avatar comes from, you can pretty much figure out my feelings about Neko Case and also of course about The New Pornographers.  "The Laws Have Changed" was a song I had been waiting my whole life to hear.  Up tempo and substantial, with a fantastically hook-y chorus, it started me on the band.

J.J. Abrams is to our world what Taco Bell was to the world of Demolition Man, and speaking of which, that movie needs to be remade.  I know just the guy to do it.


Patrick Warburton also pulled the second fastest "Big Star, Small Car" lap on Top Gear US which somehow speaks to the authenticity of both him and the show.

ER.  I'm a TV completist, if I start a series I want to finish it.  But 331 episodes?  Yeesh.

"Heart and Soul" in Big.  I can't be the only one who had a family member watch that movie on cable over the holiday.

Nice to see Southland getting some love (tough love of course).  It looks better than almost anything on TV.  And there's an "anything can happen" vibe missing in the more mannered shows.  Cudlitz and Liu were fantastic.

Nice to see Southland getting some love (tough love of course).  It looks better than almost anything on TV.  And there's an "anything can happen" vibe missing in the more mannered shows.  Cudlitz and Liu were fantastic.

The empty house in the second film is actually a perfect, maybe world historically perfect metaphor for why the second film is awful, it just doesn't work.  The characters are the same, the premise is the same, but the charm has been stripped away completely.

The empty house in the second film is actually a perfect, maybe world historically perfect metaphor for why the second film is awful, it just doesn't work.  The characters are the same, the premise is the same, but the charm has been stripped away completely.

Nothing brings the august proceedings of Home Alone 2: Lost in New York to a screeching, screaming halt like the cinematic momento mori of Daniel Stern's skeleton after being electrocuted.  My junior monocle and my kid size box of Sno Caps, dropped forever.

Nothing brings the august proceedings of Home Alone 2: Lost in New York to a screeching, screaming halt like the cinematic momento mori of Daniel Stern's skeleton after being electrocuted.  My junior monocle and my kid size box of Sno Caps, dropped forever.