North Haverbrook Forty

Also a BIG thank you to Todd for these recaps and to all the commenters.  This has been by far my favorite corner of the AV Club.  Toodle but seriously you guys are great ooo.

Also a BIG thank you to Todd for these recaps and to all the commenters.  This has been by far my favorite corner of the AV Club.  Toodle but seriously you guys are great ooo.

It's been discussed at MoS, but I love the little details, the train whistle at the sitdown, the giant tire at the sitdown (shades of Phil's demise), the Ford Expedition that almost hits Meadow being the same car Phil drives.  It really is all there.  Tony dies, but/and damn what a show.  The best drama I've ever seen

It's been discussed at MoS, but I love the little details, the train whistle at the sitdown, the giant tire at the sitdown (shades of Phil's demise), the Ford Expedition that almost hits Meadow being the same car Phil drives.  It really is all there.  Tony dies, but/and damn what a show.  The best drama I've ever seen

Check out "Robber Barrons" by Thee Oh Sees, another good one by them.

Check out "Robber Barrons" by Thee Oh Sees, another good one by them.

I love how, in movies and on TV, playing Angry Birds has become automatic shorthand for "this character is an irredeemable idiot."  It's like slicked back hair and evil.

I love how, in movies and on TV, playing Angry Birds has become automatic shorthand for "this character is an irredeemable idiot."  It's like slicked back hair and evil.

Ruxin's song at the start of the first episode was great. Also: "I look like the guy who asks you questions before I let you cross a bridge."  Taco as a straight man to Raffi is also surprisingly funny.

Ruxin's song at the start of the first episode was great. Also: "I look like the guy who asks you questions before I let you cross a bridge."  Taco as a straight man to Raffi is also surprisingly funny.

That's funny, he doesn't look like Godzilla.

That's funny, he doesn't look like Godzilla.

"The War Room" is substantially better.  "Primary Colors" is a case of fictionalization less interesting than truth.  Say this for "Lincoln," it wasn't a movie that reduced politics to a morality play about what politicians do with their dicks.

"The War Room" is substantially better.  "Primary Colors" is a case of fictionalization less interesting than truth.  Say this for "Lincoln," it wasn't a movie that reduced politics to a morality play about what politicians do with their dicks.

Also, the pool, ducks, Tony losing his family.  When AJ's looking at the pool, you can hear birds in the background.  Also, Iler is just amazing in that scene.  Go for broke, and he nails it.

Also, the pool, ducks, Tony losing his family.  When AJ's looking at the pool, you can hear birds in the background.  Also, Iler is just amazing in that scene.  Go for broke, and he nails it.

Terrific write-up, Todd.  The issues you bring up about characters, their choices, and change, are the types of things that are so important but that rarely make it into pop culture, especially on a level like The Sopranos.  The fact that the show raises those issues are among the reasons why it's far and away the

Terrific write-up, Todd.  The issues you bring up about characters, their choices, and change, are the types of things that are so important but that rarely make it into pop culture, especially on a level like The Sopranos.  The fact that the show raises those issues are among the reasons why it's far and away the

"Happy Birthday Mr. President" keeps "In Camelot" far away from the worst episode lists, even if it did have a one-off character.

"Happy Birthday Mr. President" keeps "In Camelot" far away from the worst episode lists, even if it did have a one-off character.