North Haverbrook Forty

Boy, the way Nirvana played.

Boy, the way Nirvana played.

Charger = a type of horse = gambling
Pie-O-My = a horse = gambling

Charger = a type of horse = gambling
Pie-O-My = a horse = gambling

*Connections to the final episode observations*

*Connections to the final episode observations*

Lester: Tell me something, Jimmy. How exactly do you think it all ends?

Lester: Tell me something, Jimmy. How exactly do you think it all ends?

Revolutionary Road isn't the American Beauty we need, it's the American Beauty we deserve.  Easily one of the worst prestige films I've ever seen.  The reason you know it's worse than AB is because no one would put it on a list of the most hated films of the 2000s.  Bad and forgettable.

Revolutionary Road isn't the American Beauty we need, it's the American Beauty we deserve.  Easily one of the worst prestige films I've ever seen.  The reason you know it's worse than AB is because no one would put it on a list of the most hated films of the 2000s.  Bad and forgettable.

"Duchess, duchess, light up your candles for me."

"Duchess, duchess, light up your candles for me."

"Margin Call" and "The Insider", both thrillers in which there are no bullets fired or punches thrown or sessuality.

"Margin Call" and "The Insider", both thrillers in which there are no bullets fired or punches thrown or sessuality.

Well, dammit?

Well, dammit?

The whole damn system (of slavery).

The whole damn system (of slavery).

"Out of Time" is a stronger album without this song.  Move it to "Green"…addition by subtraction.

"Out of Time" is a stronger album without this song.  Move it to "Green"…addition by subtraction.