
A friend of mine said, moments after the conclusion of seeing Avatar, that "James Cameron just revolutionized the industry".

I'm personally hoping for a major SIDS outbreak on the set of the film

@prep H - yes, my suggestion of Frog Bog would be known as 'sarcasm'. I thought this site was well-versed in that concept. Obviously, it varies from person to person

Re: Joust Movie

Enough with the vampires! The only way Castlevania would be worth seeing would be if the character was limited in his actions as in the game:
- Can only jump up one block at a time
- Doesn't get hurt jumping straight into a wall or falling 50 feet, but does die if he falls 6 feet into water
- All holy water must be

Frog Bog: Lick'em High, Lick'em Low

@AJR Word. I put it right up there with The Far Side. And I freaking LOVE The Far Side. To this day, it still makes me giggle like a little girl.

@partdavid you snoozle, you loozle. You can still post the other robots one they have…oh wait, I did that right here:

@JTactile, nah, Steel Panther is good fun. Their entire act is tongue-in-cheek. They get what hair metal is about and make fun of it. There really isn't anything semi- about their irony. They were in my local radio station a couple months ago and they were great fun.

Yeah, I'm with Salivation Army on this one. Just because I'm not a fan of the Beatles, doesn't mean I don't like them. I just don't like them enough to own anything beyond the 1 album.