Ding L Berry

Really? It's been awhile since I heard that one, but I don't remember the non-hits/deep tracks being as good. But "All I Can Do" and "Let's Go" are top notch.

Even the weakest track on it is awesome, not only because of the mental image associated with it. Doesn't anyone knock any more?

Why not? Did she say no, or did she say yes, and it was a nightmare date?

"what was CHAD Lowe like????"

Maybe he can get back together with Fiona?

Push it to the limit
Walk along the razor's edge
But don't look down, just keep your head
Or you'll be finished

Ah, gotcha.

Belly? Love them. Had a huge crush on Tanya Donnelly.

I'm sure Robert Pollard and Ryan Adams have released more albums of original material than Car Seat Confessional since I started typing this. What's your point?

Counter point: Ocasek produced Bad Brains' Rock for Light album. NOT a piece of shit.

That first album, man…

But all I want is you, Poop!

Bald noses!

I like the stairs, they're fun!

Raisin' Bran

(dances hypnotically to a ten minute John Mayer solo)

It's 0-2 since mid-December.

Yeah, leave that to something like The Time Travelling Bong.

I only know of his Mexican, non-union equivalent: Handy Manny.

Dino Stamatopolous is right.