Ding L Berry

Wasn't Black Flag from Hermosa Beach? I think the anchor lady peed a little bit.

That is an awesome story. Was Feist there to sign the birdseed?

The subject could be the married one and still make it an affair.

What season was it where the reviewer revealed he/she was getting harassing emails/tweets for their reviews?

Is that the one with Sinbad and Stephen Jenkins?

We've got the Alien Jesus
See him on the interstate
We've got the Alien Jesus
He helped build the president's estate

Wolf Cola was my least favorite, but it had its moments (mostly the Twitter crawl on the talk show)

I'm with you MUSCLES. But what do I know, I got aiiiiiiiiiiiiids…

"But the point is, yeah… I'll do it."

I also immediately thought of Scott Tenorman.

A killer song from Faust IV.

Bannon the Hutt?

Dick Marx.

(eyes pop out of head)

You got that right. Many of the homes near the shooutout still have bullet holes.

Mr Wahlberg, I live in the Watertown neighborhood that was locked down during the manhunt. Don't you think it was a little insensitive to ask the residents to oblige you and the film crew while you recreated the whole ordeal? Say hi to your mother for me.

Now, with full unsimulated penetration!

Baby, you make me wish I had four boobs.

He might make her the ambassador to Kashyyyk.