
Meh. Screw Battle for the Cowl. Just be sure to review the new Grant Morrison/Frank Quitely Batman and Robin, which I'm sure will be both relevant AND fun! First issue out next week! Whoo!

Why is Fred Ward wasting his time with this crap when he could be making Tremors 7!?

Hey, I didn't get a 'harumph!' outta that guy!

Mongo only pawn in game of life.

Think I'd rather just re-read Snow Crash or Virtual Light.

I was wondering the same thing. I think maybe the stolen Cadillac counts as the fourth.

Minus the machine gun?

"…a sleepy thug who spends so much time on the couch dozing that he's become part of the furniture."
Does he suddenly pop up at an unexpected moment, blowing the bejeezus out of the room in slow motion with a ginormous machine gun?

The old John Byrne She-Hulk got crazy meta. One issue, she ends up fighting Dr. Bong (yes Dr. Bong) who has her trapped in alternate dimensions or TV channels or some shit, so she just tears a hole in her own comic book, walks across one of those old-school ads showing prices on back issues of comics, and confronts

Texasannie has it right. This is Rob Liefeld we're talking about. The Michael Bay of comic books. (Actually, he's more like a less-talented version of Michael Bay, if that's even possible…)

Deadpool sucks. Rob Liefeld (Rob fucking Liefeld!) created him as a Deathstroke knock-off, and over the years, he's morphed into a psychotic "Spider-Man who kills" as tropeofmonkeys so eloquently puts it. Lame! Plus, he's named after a shitty Dirty Harry movie.

Yeah, it's the Sinestro Corp logo. That and the Blue Lantern version are pretty much the coolest superhero symbols since Professor Zoom's red-lightning-bolt-on-black-circle icon, IMHO.

The Decider has preview of FCBD for whatever that's worth…

Yeah! And grow some damn eyebrows, too! And do something about all that damn repressed sexual tension between you and Picard while you're at it, ya eyebrow-less freak!

Just out of curiosity…
How does this book compare to Robert Rodriguez's 'Rebel Without a Crew'?

"…this really reads like fiction — in the sense that the prose is so well crafted and the characters are so precisely drawn."

Holy crap, Paprika is so freakin' amazing! One of the best representations of crazy dream-logic I've ever seen in a movie. And the romance subplot is really sweet, subtle, and, dare I say it?, kind of unexpected, too. And I even like the soundtrack! Man, I need to see that movie again…

Mappy, bitches!

Can we add Bone to the list, or was its run not long enough?

"I think that great scene where two aliens turn on a third to break out of their cell is about the only good bit in there."