No Cease Fires

That tie speech was some good stuff.

Apparently he wrote a bunch of books, but that's the only one that's in print.

Well, I guess David was counting on Will to find the code before anyone else did. It's not like Will has given anyone a reason to search his apartment…at least not yet.

Henry Bromell (the show runner) is a really smart writer so I expect the show to get smarter as it goes along. I do agree that some of the plot points are silly but I'm in this for the look and atmosphere and overall pseudo-creepy vibe.

John Shiban
Teso Dos Bichos (yeah, one of the truly bad ones) was written by John Shiban, the man responsible for most of the worst X-Files episodes. And go figure, he joined forces with his ol' pal Vine Gilligan and now writes for Breaking Bad.

Watched this scene again and you're right, it is kinda silly. Worked for me the first time. Not so much upon re-watch.

I found it more creepy than goofy but I get what you're saying. However, he's not gonnna turn around because he's focused on the laundromat guy.

Please, more snark. There's not enough on the internet yet. Certainly not enough in the AVC comments section.

The point was that Will wonders if one guy is tailing him when we see it's possible that he has at least two shadows. I didn't think it was goofy at all. You only notice the second tail if you know what to look for…sorta the point of the show.

the wire
I'd just like to go on record at this early date to say that I love the show. You see, everyone is gonna rush to amend their early opinions when it turns out to be fantastic, so I figured I'd just say here and now that it's brilliant.