No Cease Fires

I guess Embryonic could soundtrack a hearse commercial.

I have seen the extended theatrical cut (when the movie was in limited release) as well as the director's cut. The director's cut is longer but somehow feels shorter; maybe because each gorgeous shot is given more room to breathe, it feels more complete and smooths out the pacing — I dunno. It's a magnificent cut of

I have seen the extended theatrical cut (when the movie was in limited release) as well as the director's cut. The director's cut is longer but somehow feels shorter; maybe because each gorgeous shot is given more room to breathe, it feels more complete and smooths out the pacing — I dunno. It's a magnificent cut of

He didn't recognize the actor either. His screener didn't have credits but I'm surprised, given his recent appearance on Louie (and the fact that Abraham has a really distinctive face),

He didn't recognize the actor either. His screener didn't have credits but I'm surprised, given his recent appearance on Louie (and the fact that Abraham has a really distinctive face),

The same reason he missed the fact that Virgil was asked to look into Quinn many episodes ago: too busy coming up with wacky theories about what's going to happen.

The same reason he missed the fact that Virgil was asked to look into Quinn many episodes ago: too busy coming up with wacky theories about what's going to happen.

Yeah, I just read the fourth trade of The Unwritten. So good. Mike Carey is criminally underrated…which reminds me, I should finish up Lucifer one of these days.

good show
I'm enjoying it, but holy hell, Catherine McCormack has one of the worst American accents I've ever heard. Seriously, she's supposed to be British, right? That's what I thought but then she said she met Lights in Buffalo.

well damn
What I grew to love about Spartacus was its genuinely great plotting. This one starts off a little mechanical and belabored in that department (I guess it's unavoidable). But holy crap, that main fight scene was great.

I totally loved this show. But hey, AMC had to chase the money and support its juvenile zombie fantasy (a fun show, but let's be honest) as opposed to a TV show for grown-ups. And what do they have coming up? A police procedural from the creative minds behind Cold Case.

This should be a cable miniseries. I don't think two hours can do both stories justice.

episode two
Don't know if anyone is still watching (or reading this) but the second episode was a massive improvement over the first. I'm in.

I think Will's shock at being bugged is less surprise at being the conspiracy goons' new favorite subject of observation than it is dismay at having this nice little bubble, which he's constructed for himself since his wife and child died, suddenly popped. It's pretty clear that his solitude has been his prized

Cosgrove. Accounts.
Apparently Bromell has had work published in the New Yorker. He recently appeared on their podcast to talk about his career and his CIA dad. A pretty good listen, although he only touches on Rubicon briefly:

The great thing about Miranda Richardson's performance is how she brings out the sadness in the character. Yes, she's working with Will to unravel this conspiracy, but it's driven by her need to understand why the man she loved killed himself. On most shows of this type, her character would be helping out Will just

The interesting thing about this renewal situation is that AMC has never really been here before. So we can't predict how they'll act. Conventional wisdom says Rubicon is doomed, but then that same wisdom would have dictated the end of Mad Men before it got going. too.

the heart of Truxton
I guess I have a different take on Spangler than most. I see him as kind of conflicted, to be honest, about what he and his Atlas cronies are doing. His near-nervous breakdown with Kale was a product of feeling betrayed by, but also sincere disappointment with, his number two. He really does care

Yeah, I gasped when I saw that bald motherfucker.

"I wasn't always like this."